Anonymous ID: d874af June 23, 2020, 8:31 p.m. No.9725719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5748 >>5768 >>5772 >>5781 >>5944 >>6229

The missus is getting scared anons. Even though she follows loosely, and I explain each event, she understands it will likely get worse. She see events like the homeless man set on fire with fireworks, and the old lady sucker punched and believes Jesus must be coming soon, because surly this is the beginning of sorrows. she's worried for the kids and grand-kids. It's not enough to say trust the plan. It does not sway her valid fears. Obviously she is not alone. Whereas anons rise to meet challenges because they are most likely to be the type of person who is always prepared, most people are not, and move quickly to panic. I think we ought to spend a bit of meme time on SM helping to reduce fear and panic, but also in conversations with folks. The dis-info has permeated the culture quite thoroughly. If our own neighbors are afraid and panic, more people are going to get hurt. I think it is part of our job to be a calming force. Just my thoughts