Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 10:14 p.m. No.9726596   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>9725925 (pb)

He's a stupid fuck. Doesn't know how to talk to those idiots. I would have ripped them up one side and down the other. They walked all over him and he kept trying to "defend and explain" and assure them he's an ally. I would have been, wtf are you afraid of? You're not doing anything illegal or planning to are you?


When the mentioned law I would have died laughing. LAW? LOL either they are commies and there is no law, of there IS law and it applies to all.

>we don't want to be portrayed as violent

>proceeds to be violent

pussy streamer fails to even call attention to that. Jaysus he's fucking annoying.

He should have made a point of getting faces and told them to fuck the fuck off.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 10:34 p.m. No.9726727   🗄️.is đź”—kun


That's stupid.

>100k per nigger over 18 deposited in a bank account in either Liberia or South Africa

>they have 30 days to leave the country

>They will hand over all rights to US citizenship and will not be permitted to visit the US or any other Western country for the rest of their lives (we have to make sure we don't hand them 100k and they go to Liberia, snatch it up and try to go to EU and fuck them up).


That's it. No take backs, no nothing. Go make Africa great. anyone who wants any reparations must leave the United States.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 10:46 p.m. No.9726792   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6835

>>9726161 (pb)


Why would I shill? I am genuinely disturbed that they are using 4chan to set up scenarios for blaming the US. They used my post, they laughed at me when I called them out, and proceeded to run an non-stop dam general in which they do nothing but give CCP something to point to.


And I know all about the virus. Just check RV ANON posts in the archives both here and 4chan and 4plebs. I did an RV of th virus and the man, and I posted here the other day and reposted it today asking for help to complete my ID of a man. I want to prove 100% but need people who have better access to records in Belgium.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 10:56 p.m. No.9726834   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>6843 >>6866 >>6869

>>9726225 (lb)



>Trump-backed House candidates lose in Kentucky, North Carolina; some N.Y. results may be days away


>Voter fraud?


LOL ya think? Since it's clear they have done nothing and intend to do anything about voter fraud, how, exactly, do you think Nov. 3rd is going to go?


There's no way AOC could have won that seat. She is so hated in her district the only way she could have won is by cheating.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 11:04 p.m. No.9726872   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Bro, they're using my stuff and if you think it feels good to see millions of people die, think again. This is going to be so bad. As a natural event the Chinese people may actually rise up and exterminate the CCP and free themselves over the rage at that shoddy dam. But not if CCP can point to USA and blame us with propaganda that is believable. When it gets closer to failing there will be an EQ that tips it over the edge. I think even before the EQ China will start warning their people that the US has threatened the dam. Feels bad.I know 4chan is comp'd bro.


Here's the issue. The same flag that started and maintained the Corona Virus General thread since november, just started the dam general thread. We called him argiglowbro. If what I'm seeing them do over the dam has also been done over the virus, this really probably needs a second look because 4chan was instrumental in spreading the virus news. We were always getting "drops" with proofs.


Is it more clear now?

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 11:20 p.m. No.9726944   🗄️.is đź”—kun

>>9725549 (pb)




We already know this, it's been known since POTUS signed that EO. Has anything happened? Are they going to hold hearings and investigate it again? For few more years?


If they are in violation now, why haven't they been issued an injunction?


Even better question is, neither FB or Twatter would exist at all if you just turned it the fuck off.


But you won't you can't it's your crack. Go on, test yourself. GO NOW to FB, you know it's a programming website, you know this so go now open up that DELETE account page if you can find it. Hover over that button, FEEL THE ANXIETY. FEEL IT. You cannot delete your FB account. (but we special we woke).


come on, how many of you cringed at the very thought of deleting your FB, how many of your internally rose up and said "I shouldn't have to". You are part of the problem and cannot even admit it to yourself. Be honest, what level of anxiety did you feel hovering over that delete button?


See Black Mirror. You're welcome.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 11:25 p.m. No.9726978   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7012




Only a 100% free speech zone like we have here is going to be satisfactory. Forbid real names so ego isn't involved (oh wait it is) and let the fights begin. When people can't cancel or censor you they'll have to use their words to answer you.


Something else very strange might happen, people will learn to scroll on by shit they don't like. It's only taken this place 4 years to reach minimum filter fags. Once you get people deprogrammed–that's the only time they are ever going to realize that they WERE programmed.

>learn to use words

>learn to ignore

>learn to have conversations responding to points instead of straw men.

>learn to say that's a straw man and move on.


But no, the baby sitters will continue–imagine a world where a kike had to deal with what someone else writes instead of whining and canceling?


Free speech is free. Parler is just going to end up a right win echo chamber of whatever majority is there. Probably christian–and that's why it won't grow.

Anonymous ID: 2a3074 June 23, 2020, 11:28 p.m. No.9726992   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>but if they enforce sharia law, that would violate the constitutional rights of everyone that lives there, and will not be tolerated.

Oh, you are so naive.


Here, go have a look. Where have you been?Jews do it too, both in the US and Israel.