Anonymous ID: 2c1c31 June 23, 2020, 10:27 p.m. No.9726688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6695 >>6745

Hi all, can we please get some digs on Parler? Massive push to join tonight…makes me weary that it could be some sort of honey pot.


First, any verification Mike Flynn's profile on there is really him?


Second, I saw some red flags posted about it before…some things to do with privacy especially, and I can't seem to re-find it.


Have read the user agreement, privacy policy myself…some things seem vague and iffy, for sure, but I'm not in law & could be interpreting it a more paranoid manner…


Would be very interested in what others were able to find regarding this service.

Anonymous ID: 2c1c31 June 23, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.9726737   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6784


thanks for your input. I have been feeling similar regarding it, but really makes me wonder why the big push from people who are supposed to be "one of the good guys"? Wondering what more this truly is… Something feels off about it to me, and I can't bring myself onboard to trust it even with signing up currently…but who knows, maybe I'm just being paranoid. I go on Twitter, and that's plenty bad…makes me wonder how much worse it could possibly be… However, I know the potential for far worse could definitely present itself and not to rule it out (especially disguised as a honey pot) Your stance is pretty good advise that I feel like I'm better off following rather than jumping in with the crowd