Anonymous ID: 466bc1 June 23, 2020, 11:18 p.m. No.9726933   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Possible Bubba got taken for a ride? Not after he sees all the other door pulls. Seriously? Who's the "crew member"? Think they hadn't seen those door pulls before? Guaranteed they knew it wasn't a noose like that. Just like their "big" announcement that they were going to run races without fans b/c CV19. Well what else is new NASCAR? People stopped going to your left-hand circle jerks years ago. Now NASCRAP gets to virtue signal all over everywhere how sorry they are for the Confed flag and how much they love Black Folk. Anything to stay in the news. Fucking pathetic.


>"The noose was found by a member of Wallace's team – just hours after someone flew a Confederate flag over the legendary Alabama track to protest NASCAR banning the symbol at all events."

>"The crew member who found the noose immediately alerted NASCAR, which is now working with law enforcement to find the culprit."

