Never worked a day in your life.
Lying is NOT working…maggot.
Cock magnet…. lol
Keep talking shit… It's all you can do….. continue being the fuckup.
It must hurt to see it all so easily destroyed… truth does that.
Full of shit.
I laugh every time I see you paste your bullshit in there.
You all missed so much…. that's what happens when you fuck with everyone's religion….When did you write that again?…. what century?…after everyone got the understanding… did you destroy it?…… Who was that emperor again….Cuntstantine….lol.
Every religion on this planet… still has it's old books… the ones written with truth… They will be revealed… Timing.
I laughed when I saw that…lol…
A story from years ago….
Ask him now, who rules the roost…
Every where I go now… People KNOW there is something wrong in the world…You would be surprised how many people in the world can handle the truth, of our existence and the lies we all live among.
The world IS waking up.
Priceless…lol… gotta have it…thanks.
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz… click