Anonymous ID: a0db58 June 23, 2020, 9:55 p.m. No.9726470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6500


Spread that shit… IT really is the answer and we, the people have the power. It's moral, fair, honest, open and voluntary. Its better for everyone. Even the juice.

Anonymous ID: a0db58 June 23, 2020, 9:56 p.m. No.9726481   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6502 >>6519 >>6543



I will start this crazy idea with the premise that the US is not for everyone. It really isn't. Hell, its not even the place or system for many people who were born here and have lived here for generations. Many of the problems we all see are because of this shit. So, how to fix it?


1: End all social wellfare/ public retirements/ etc of all kinds in every way imaginable with an exception of under 15 and over 65.


2: Allow all US Citizens to participate in the program. ALL citizens. Even prisioners. This is an important point. We spend A LOT of money on prisions and bullshit that comes from them. Anyone facing prision time can simply give up their citizenship and leave the nation permanently and get paid. My guess is anyone facing more than 5-10 years will take this road over prision tbh. It also gives people an exit from prisions any time they want.


3: If you want to keep your SNAP and HUD and WIC and all the other free shit these scumbags get simply move to another country and you can keep it. Too expensive you say? Not a problem because we are paying for it all right now anyway.


4: Add in an Affiliate Program. This way some famous (or internet famous) person can get substantially more money by getting others to apply under their affiliate program. This will let entire extended families leave the US in a better position than if they are just individuals.


5: Allow very selective immigration of only the absolute best people. Have very stringent requirements and very tight controls. All former citizens are excluded as this is not a revolving door.


6: Nations who accept people under this program will be eligible for US Aid (which we give away now for fucking free with nothing in return but more scumbags flooding our nation). This will be a boon for these nations. Really shitty nations will gladly take Felons and criminals as they will be an income source and will likely make western style enclaves and actually help their host nations. First world nations who don't really need the money will be more choosey and will not be flooded with shitheads yet will allow them to have quality citizens. This would be for people who just want to live under socialism or some such system as opposed to trying to force it all on us.


Simple as that! That is all we need to really do to completely reform the US. This program will not be based on Racism, though defacto it will greatly favor whites and Asians over all other races. It will not be detrimental to those in poverty as the whole program is VOLUNTARY and never forced. If you are a homeless hobo and happy with that and can continue doing so well, thats fine but you won't get any public assistance. Private ONLY. Wealthy people can easily be a part of the program using their name as a way to get an entire city of people to relocate. Religious people can use this program as a way to move an entire church or sect to another area where they will fit in better. It will allow many who came to the US looking for a better life to have that life where they are FROM. It will allow the US to have the pick of the litter or all humanity based on merit as opposed to the clusterfuck we have today. It will end massive prision programs and the courts and vast expenses wasted. It will end generational wellfare as those who are most likely to want wellfare will take their sorry asses elsewhere and their shitty kids they spawn away from here will not recieve shit. The highest cost of the program will be in the first few years. After that it will be an ever-decreasing downward spiral of costs until it reaches a low stable level in probably 20 years. If a smart group was setting this plan up it would be very wise to do so in the midst of a colossal depression as to encourage as many of the weak and useless to take it up while the strong and capable will remain. We would colonize mars in 20 years if we did this.

Anonymous ID: a0db58 June 23, 2020, 10:04 p.m. No.9726536   🗄️.is 🔗kun

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As torrential rains in China continue to wreak havoc on more than 24 provinces, notable Chinese hydrologist Wang Weiluo (王維洛) has questioned the safety of the massive Three Gorges Dam, warning that it could collapse at any moment.

In southern China, regional rainstorms and mudslides that began on June 1 have uprooted more than 7,300 houses and affected nearly eight million people as of Monday morning (June 21). The immediate economic loss is estimated at 20.6 billion RMB (US$2.9 billion) by local officials.

The nonstop downpours have also raised the Chinese public's concerns over the potential bursting of the world's biggest hydropower project. Despite government assurances that the dam is structurally sound, Wang has taken an opposing view and claimed that the facility is not as stable as many have been led to believe, reported New Talk.

Wang pointed out that the dam's design, construction, and quality inspection were all carried out by the same group of people and that the project was finished too quickly. He said that even Chinese Vice Minister of Water Resources Ye Jianchun (葉建春) confessed at a June 10 press conference that water levels of at least 148 rivers in the country have risen above warning thresholds, which proves that the Three Gorges Dam has a limited effect on flood control.

Rather than commenting on the validity of the images showing the dam's warping a year ago, Wang said a more serious concern is the cracks and substandard concrete discovered during its construction. He said a failure of the dam would have catastrophic consequences for individuals residing in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River and that they should prepare for evacuation as soon as possible, reported CT Want.



Yall know this will be blamed on us somehow right/??