Anonymous ID: b33768 June 23, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.9726866   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6951


she's backed by soros. she's a greenberg.

they probably even prepared the neighborhood for her?

Dudes do long term planning.

think: they brought her up from childhood for this?

She's a cut-out. Her "background" is fake, like her name and everything else about her.

She might believe the BS she spews because she's dumb enough.

Maybe she was trained at the "Farm"

i.e. Mkult-ed/

Her eyes sure look i?

For sure she's "brought up in it"

crisis actress level

She might believe her own PR though.


Anonymous ID: b33768 June 23, 2020, 11:12 p.m. No.9726906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6911 >>6912


Yes they've been using "national security" for generations to hide their terrible crimes.

Thing is:: DJT made an EO wherein they are no longer allowed to keep something from the public just to avoid embarrassment or to avoid consequences of crime.

Didn't he?

Might take a while for that new idea to be enforced?

All the crooks are sticking together.

it's like a chinese finger trap.

You never know though, once things start rolling it may go really fast

Wasn't a Q message to the effect ~it will be over fast once they start unsealing indictments?

Anonymous ID: b33768 June 23, 2020, 11:31 p.m. No.9727012   🗄️.is 🔗kun


anarchists tend to be like a splash of cold water on the face.

And they did surprise me though I knew their philosophy ws worship of death.

Marxists seemed more prevalent.

The nihlism is worse.

I lived near them and never thought it would take-off; nor did I realize at the time where it was going

I knew they were illogical, but I didn't realize how deep was the malevolence.

I knew they were atheists but didn't' realize the direct threat to myself.

I saw the arrogance and immaturity, inability to assess reality

but I didn't think it would catch on.

No, they are very serious.

Even about how this land does not belong to the U.S. as it was stolen, as they see it and were taught, from the aborigines here.

And built with slaves.

They don't appreciate the Bill of Rights except how they can use it for their own ends. It's not for other people to have it. rights - To them it's not a principle that the rights belong to everyone.

So they are against civil societyh

As POTUS touched upon in his speech today

human rights to them is only for charily, not for their peers.


parler won't let you on with a burner phone. just sayn'