Anonymous ID: c28ec5 June 23, 2020, 9:35 p.m. No.9726348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6362 >>6404 >>6422 >>6424 >>6450 >>6483

>>9726140 (You)

Im telling you anon, something is fucky. Its not just us being crazy. Spiritual warfare was my first guess, but im open to others.


Ok anon it is spiritual warfare, but it must be accelerated because the are losing so bad. I walked away from work yesterday because I felt on fire, so this is the time Anons need to excuse themselves, go to the woods, bring a bible or whatever, meditate, don’t think on the darkness and chaos of this world. Don’t watch or read the news, create a sacred space and pray for all patriots to get through this war. We need to know when one more story of evil or one more digg is too much. The hive Ind will pick up and co to he and others need time off, we should all take it.


This is a weird and scary time for people of this country, I wouldn’t be surprised if we are emphatic to their fear.


The truth is we could die at anytime, at least we would have died serving our country, freedom and soul.


Take care of yourself first anon, if it’s that bad, don’t worry about us or anything else.


Stay away from electronics for 3-4 days, turn them all off.


We will win this war, regardless, there are too many spiritual warriors with the anon and patriot community.


Be at peace, I believe you!

Anonymous ID: c28ec5 June 23, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9726487   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6507


Ok I get that but when someone feels as bad as he does, it might be a good idea for a little longer. Old fags are weathered and rough, things don’t seem to penetrate As deeply. I personally think it world fear or US fear, no normie has seen or expected anything like this . It sure is waking up people.


I personally think it may get worse before the final Shabang

Anonymous ID: c28ec5 June 23, 2020, 10:16 p.m. No.9726608   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ok nightshift I spent some quality time with you fuckers and it was fun. Good night and do good work


Minor anon