Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:25 p.m. No.9726278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6286 >>6379 >>6459 >>6563 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

British soldiers ‘got away with murder’ in Iraq, as government sent unqualified officers to investigate war crimes – report


The British government had no interest in prosecuting its soldiers’ war crimes in Iraq and sent untrained investigators to make sure accused troops went free, a group of veterans told South Africa’s Daily Maverick.


Nadhem Abdullah was 18 years old when British paratroopers raided his village of al-Ferkah, Iraq, in 2003. Abdullah was collared by the soldiers and beaten, allegedly with fists, rifle butts and helmets, until he was bloodied and dead. Two years later, seven soldiers with the 3rd Battalion (‘3 Para’) of the Parachute Regiment stood trial in London for the killing, and were acquitted.


The judge accused the prosecution’s Iraqi witnesses of exaggerating their stories of abuse, but found that the initial government investigation into the killing made “serious omissions,” which virtually guaranteed that the soldiers would walk. “There is no doubt the investigation in this case has been inadequate,” the judge concluded.


The investigation, a group of former military investigators told the Daily Maverick this week, was “inadequate” by choice.


When the Royal Military Police’s Special Investigations Branch (SIB) was sent to Iraq in 2003 to investigate complaints against British forces there, the least qualified officers were chosen to head investigations that called for much more experienced leaders, the former SIB officials said.


“They sent the wrong people… and to this day I don’t know why,” one source said. “The more I think about it, the more mad it becomes.” Had more senior investigators been sent, the source said that one would “absolutely 100 percent” have seen more prosecutions coming out of Iraq, instead of the four publicly disclosed cases that actually saw court martial.


“You look at the amount of people who were prosecuted,” the source said. “Virtually none. You know, how many people got away with murder?”

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:27 p.m. No.9726288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6309 >>6314 >>6322 >>6378 >>6379 >>6459 >>6468 >>6563 >>6629 >>6646 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

An 8-Year-Old Girl, Her Mother And Her Grandfather Drown In Their New Home’s Swimming Pool


NEW JERSEY — A 62-year-old man, his daughter-in-law, and her daughter have been identified as the victims who perished yesterday in East Brunswick Township.


Bharat Patel, 62, his 33-year old daughter-in-law Nisha Patel and her 8-year-old daughter, all who reside at the home in East Brunswick, have been identified as the victims.


East Brunswick Police responded to the home located at 43 Clearview Road at approximately 4:18 pm on June 22, 2020. and found the three victims unresponsive in the pool; they were pronounced dead shortly after being found.


WPVI reported: Neighbors said the family had recently moved into the home and were friendly.


Authorities called an electrical contractor to the home and sources said they believe there may have been an electrical issue in or near the pool that led to the deaths. Police have not confirmed that theory.


“This is a devastating day for our entire community. It is too early to determine exactly what happened,” Police Chief Frank Losacco said in a statement.


The Middlesex County Regional Medical Examiner’s Office has determined the manner of death as accidental and the cause of death to be drowning for all three victims.


This doesn't add up?

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:28 p.m. No.9726298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6335 >>6379 >>6459 >>6563 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945



Another Study Finds School Children Typically Don't Spread COVID-19 To Parents


The latest study of how COVID-19 manifests in schoolchildren suggests that children don't play a major role in spreading the virus, according to a Bloomberg report.


Ever since a mysterious inflammatory syndrome first emerged in children infected by SARS-CoV-2, researchers around the world, but especially in the US and Europe (where the syndrome was most widely found), have been working to determine the nature of the connection between this syndrome and the virus.


Of course, there's an important economic factor at play here as well: Before adults can be expected to return to work en masse, provisions must be made for schoolchildren, since childcare is prohibitively expensive for most families. Many colleges across the US have decided to resume classroom-based learning in the fall, even if students will abide by new COVID-19-sensitive social distancing guidelines. And while most expect elementary, middle and high school students to return to the classroom, most states have yet to make a formal decision.


Scientists at Institut Pasteur, a massive French research institute named after the scientist who invented the pasteurization process for milk, studied 1,340 people in Crepy-en-Valois, a town northeast of Paris that suffered an outbreak in February and March. The study included 510 students from six primary schools.


Among these students, researchers found three students who had contracted the virus. But in each example, it appears the kids didn't pass the virus on to their parents, or teachers.


Scientists at Institut Pasteur studied 1,340 people in Crepy-en-Valois, a town northeast of Paris that suffered an outbreak in February and March, including 510 students from six primary schools. They found three probable cases among kids that didn’t lead to more infections among other pupils or teachers.


The study confirms that children appear to show fewer telltale symptoms than adults and be less contagious, providing a justification for school reopenings in countries from Denmark to Switzerland. The researchers found that 61% of the parents of infected kids had the coronavirus, compared with about 7% of parents of healthy ones, suggesting it was the parents who had infected their offspring rather than the other way around.


This small study is one of several suggesting that young children do not often spread the coronavirus. Though there has been at least one study showing the opposite.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:31 p.m. No.9726315   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6379 >>6459 >>6553 >>6563 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Governor Andrew Cuomo Says Tearing Down Monuments Is Healthy Expression


New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is like the gift that keeps giving. Because Democrats fell in love with him during the pandemic response, he keeps going on television to tell us just how insane Democrats generally are. And how willing they are to defer to the radical left, spewing pretzel logic to defend them.


The first video is bad enough. The COVID-19 impact on older adults was present in the outbreaks from both China and Europe. It was one of the first pieces of data we learned about how the virus impacted society.


This is the second time Cuomo has tried to blame his disastrous nursing home debacle on the federal government. When first confronted, he said his policy followed the CDC guidelines. The order had been removed from the state’s website when he made this claim. Even Politifact rated his assertion as ‘Mostly False.’


The second video is excellent. Savannah Guthrie asked Cuomo how he wanted to respond to the president’s comments that mayors and governors needed to do more to stop the destruction of monuments.


He immediately pivoted to the removal of a monument to Teddy Roosevelt from the front of the Museum of Natural History. While still a ridiculous move, the museum has decided to do this in an orderly fashion. There can even be hope it will be placed inside a museum or otherwise stored until we can face our history again.


President Trump was talking about rioters destroying monuments nationwide. Not decisions by institutions and governments to remove monuments in an official or orderly way. No matter how ill-advised these decisions are. Maybe all of these virtue-signaling leaders should listen to this young woman from Venezuela. In short, it leads to nothing good.


One great question for Cuomo would be, what sin and mistake? The statue of Teddy Roosevelt is flanked by a black man and a Native American in a full headdress. Roosevelt himself is riding a horse. The prevailing wisdom is that this is racist and colonialist or something.


First, Teddy Roosevelt was not known to be racist. He developed a relationship with former slave and educator Booker T. Washington. He invited Washington to the White House to dine, and it turned into quite a scandal. According to NPR:


News of the dinner between a former slave and the president of the United States became a national sensation. The subject of inflammatory articles and cartoons, it shifted the national conversation around race at the time.


Likewise, a dedicated conservationist, he looked to preserve the wilds of the west by establishing the National Park system and has no record of mistreating the Native American population.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:37 p.m. No.9726363   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6377 >>6379 >>6384 >>6459 >>6563 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Israel courts Cypriot help on EU opposition to annexation


Foreign Minister Ashkenazi meets counterpart from Nicosia at Ben Gurion Airport, says Israel committed to proceeding ‘in a responsible and coordinated manner’


The foreign ministers of Israel and Cyprus met Tuesday as Jerusalem seeks to defuse European opposition to its plan to annex parts of the West Bank.


Gabi Ashkenazi met his Cypriot counterpart Nikos Christodoulides at Ben Gurion Airport after plans for a larger delegation led by President Nicos Anastasiades were revised over coronavirus concerns.


"Ashkenazi asked Christodoulides for Cyprus to act as a moderating voice in discourse with European countries," a Foreign Ministry statement said.

U.S. President Donald Trump in January unveiled a controversial plan for Israeli-Palestinian peace, giving Israel a green light to annex West Bank settlements and the Jordan Valley.


Israel has said it intends to start implementing the plan from next month, triggering widespread concern, particularly in the European Union.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.9726373   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6379 >>6459 >>6563 >>6672 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Another New Study Points to the Dangers of Geoengineering the Climate


A recently published study from MIT casts doubt on the safety of the science of geoengineering and outlines potential dangers of the controversial field.


A new study from Massachusetts Institute of Technology is adding to the growing list of concerns around the controversial science of geoengineering. Researchers have found that geoengineering techniques could significantly change extratropical storms and introduce changes to the climate.


Geoengineering is a field of research investigating methods to deliberately manipulate the climate in an attempt to fight climate change. One of these methods is known as solar radiation management (SRM). Proposals for SRM suggest that scientists might be able to replicate the results seen from volcano eruptions. MIT reports:


How can the world combat the continued rise in global temperatures? How about shading the Earth from a portion of the sun’s heat by injecting the stratosphere with reflective aerosols? After all, volcanoes do essentially the same thing, albeit in short, dramatic bursts: When a Vesuvius erupts, it blasts fine ash into the atmosphere, where the particles can linger as a kind of cloud cover, reflecting solar radiation back into space and temporarily cooling the planet.


Researchers have proposed using planes, balloons, or blimps to spray various aerosols into the atmosphere in the hopes of reflecting sunlight and cooling the planet. This type of geoengineering is extremely controversial and previous studies have linked the technology to potentially dangerous outcomes for various parts of the planet.


Now a research team lead by Charles Gertler, a graduate student in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS), has found that “solar geoengineering will not simply reverse climate change. Instead, it has the potential itself to induce novel changes in climate.” Gertler and his team have published the results in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.


Specifically, Gertler’s team found that solar geoengineering could alter what are known as extratropical storm tracks. MIT describes storm tracks as “the zones in the middle and high latitudes where storms form year-round and are steered by the jet stream across the oceans and land.” These storm tracks help create extratropical cyclones, and the strength of the storm tracks determine the severity and frequency of storms known as “nor’easters.” A nor’easter is a storm along the East Coast of North America in which the winds over the coastal area are typically from the northeast.


The researchers used a scenario of solar geoengineering known to climate scientists as experiment G1 of the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP). This project provides various geoengineering scenarios for scientists to run to determine various climate effects. G1 assumes an ideal scenario in which geoengineering blocks enough solar radiation to act as a counterbalance with the warming that would occur if carbon dioxide concentration quadruples.


The team found that the strength of storm tracks in both the northern and southern hemispheres weakened significantly in response to geoengineering. This would mean less powerful storms in the winter, but the researchers say the weaker storm tracks could “lead to stagnant conditions, particularly in summer, and less wind to clear away air pollution.” These changes in wind could also affect circulation of ocean water and the stability of ice sheets.


“A weakened storm track, in both hemispheres, would mean weaker winter storms but also lead to more stagnant weather, which could affect heat waves,” Gertler says. “Across all seasons, this could affect ventilation of air pollution. It also may contribute to a weakening of the hydrological cycle, with regional reductions in rainfall. These are not good changes, compared to a baseline climate that we are used to.”


Gertler further stated that his work indicates that “solar geoengineering is not reversing climate change, but is substituting one unprecedented climate state for another.” In the conclusion to their study the researchers note that “there likely exist other consequences of solar geoengineering that the simulations studied here are unable to simulate.”

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:31 p.m. No.9726710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6716 >>6723 >>6744 >>6752 >>6764 >>6826 >>6852 >>6908 >>6917 >>6933 >>6945

Soooo Funny! Hoaxer Bubba Wallace LASHES OUT After He Claimed a Door Rope was a Noose and FBI Busted His A$$


OMG, this is sooooo funny!

Hoaxer Bubba Wallace pulled a Smollett on Tuesday night after the FBI completely busted his a$$.


Earlier Tuesday the FBI released a statement on its investigation at the Talladega Superspeedway and determined that Bubba Wallace was not the target of a hate crime.


NASCAR on Sunday released a statement revealing that a noose was reportedly found in top driver Bubba Wallace’s Talladega garage stall.


As The Gateway Pundit suspected, there was no noose.


“The FBI learned that garage 4, where the noose was found, was assigned to Bubba Wallace last week. The investigation also revealed evidence, including authentic video confirmed by NASCAR, that the noose found in garage number 4 was in that garage as early as October 2019,” the FBI said in a statement.


In other words, the garage door pull rope wasn’t imagined as a noose until a racist narrative needed to be pushed out to the public.


Cristina Laila and The Gateway Pundit called it out as another hate hoax in our first report on the incident.


It was odd that Wallace never produced a photo of the noose, no?


And now we all know that it was a hate hoax.


But this didn’t stop Bubba from going on CNN and play victim some more.

Dude is clueless.

Listen to this guy after just being caught — by the FBI — calling a door rope a noose!

Sooo Funny!

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:35 p.m. No.9726736   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6741 >>6747 >>6759 >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Obama Refers to Unrest as ‘Great Awakening’


Former President Barack Obama referred to the ongoing unrest around the country, associated with the Black Lives Matter protests, as a “Great Awakening” in his remarks to a fundraiser for former Vice President Joe Biden on Tuesday.


Obama said:


And the good news, what make me optimistic is, the fact that there is a Great Awakening going on around the country particularly among younger people who are saying not only are they fed up with the shambolic disorganized mean spirited approach to governance that we’ve seen over the last couple of years but more than that are eager to take on some of the core challenges that have been facing this country for centuries.


The original “Great Awakening” was a religious revival in colonial American society several decades prior to the Revolution.


As notes:


The Great Awakening was a religious revival that impacted the English colonies in America during the 1730s and 1740s. The movement came at a time when the idea of secular rationalism was being emphasized, and passion for religion had grown stale. Christian leaders often traveled from town to town, preaching about the gospel, emphasizing salvation from sins and promoting enthusiasm for Christianity. The result was a renewed dedication toward religion. Many historians believe the Great Awakening had a lasting impact on various Christian denominations and American culture at large.


One of the most famous sermons of the Great Awakening is Jonathan Edwards’ “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God“:


The wrath of God burns against them, their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared, the fire is made ready, the furnace is now hot, ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow. The glittering sword is whet, and held over them, and the pit hath opened its mouth under them.



The God that holds you over the pit of hell, much as one holds a spider, or some loathsome insect over the fire, abhors you, and is dreadfully provoked: his wrath towards you burns like fire; he looks upon you as worthy of nothing else, but to be cast into the fire; he is of purer eyes than to bear to have you in his sight; you are ten thousand times more abominable in his eyes, than the most hateful venomous serpent is in ours. You have offended him infinitely more than ever a stubborn rebel did his prince; and yet it is nothing but his hand that holds you from falling into the fire every moment. It is to be ascribed to nothing else, that you did not go to hell the last night; that you were suffered to awake again in this world, after you closed your eyes to sleep. And there is no other reason to be given, why you have not dropped into hell since you arose in the morning, but that God’s hand has held you up. There is no other reason to be given why you have not gone to hell, since you have sat here in the house of God, provoking his pure eyes by your sinful wicked manner of attending his solemn worship. Yea, there is nothing else that is to be given as a reason why you do not this very moment drop down into hell.


The current wave of protests, ostensibly motivated by outrage at the death of George Floyd, 46, an African American man, in the custody of Minneapolis, Minnesota, police, has devolved into riots and vandalism, with widespread destruction of historic statues and monuments.


The parasites and trying to imitate as always

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:36 p.m. No.9726740   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6764 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Black Police Officer Lectures White Protester About Racism


A black Metropolitan Police Department officer lectured a white Black Lives Matter protester in Washington, DC, on Tuesday evening as she attempted to accuse one of his white colleagues of racism.


“Just because you have one black friend, or a black wife, you can still be racist,” she said, speaking through her mask, in a conversation captured on video by Breitbart News. “It has nothing to do with your acquaintances.”


She accused him of being intimidated when he walked away.


Another officer, who appeared to be African American, intervened: “It’s not intimidating … You’re trying to have a conversation, and you have a one-track mind? There’s no point … You have to be able to go in with both sides of the story.”


She retorted: “I wasn’t talking to you, sir. I was talking to the white dude.”


He replied: “Oh, ’cause I can’t be racist, right?”


She answered: “Systemically, no, sir. Systemically, racism can only be white.”


An African American officer eventually approached.


“Let me tell you something,” he said.


She backed up, trying to avoid him. “I don’t want to get COVID.”


He continued.


“America has a sin problem. The world has a sin problem, ma’am. Okay? Jesus said: ‘I am the Way, the Truth, and the Light. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'”


The woman continued to move side to side, attempting to talk past the officer.


He continued:


“America and the world has a sin problem. That’s where racism, injustice, and hate and anger and violence come from. It’s not about racism.”


He concluded: “Read the Bible.”

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:38 p.m. No.9726746   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6895

Fear in the JFK Assassination, Part 1 (of 2)


One of the fascinating phenomena in the JFK assassination is the fear of some Americans to consider the possibility that the assassination was actually a regime-change operation carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment rather than simply a murder carried out by a supposed lone-nut assassin.


The mountain of evidence that has surfaced, especially since the 1990s, when the JFK Records Act mandated the release of top-secret assassination-related records within the national-security establishment, has been in the nature of circumstantial evidence, as compared to direct evidence. Thus, I can understand that someone who places little faith in the power of circumstantial evidence might study and review that evidence and decide to embrace the “lone-nut theory” of the case.


But many of the people who have embraced the lone-nut theory have never spent any time studying the evidence in the case and yet have embraced the lone-nut theory. Why? My hunch is that the reason is that they have a deep fear of being labeled a “conspiracy theorist,” which is the term the CIA many years ago advised its assets in the mainstream press to employ to discredit those who were questioning the official narrative in the case.


Like many others, I have studied the evidence in the case. After doing that, I concluded that the circumstantial evidence pointing toward a regime-change operation has reached critical mass. Based on that evidence, for me the Kennedy assassination is not a conspiracy theory but rather the fact of a national-security state regime-change operation, no different in principle than other regime-change operations, including through assassination, carried out by the U.S. national-security establishment, especially through the CIA.


Interestingly, there are those who have shown no reluctance to study the facts and circumstances surrounding foreign regime-change operations carried out by the CIA and the Pentagon. But when it comes to the Kennedy assassination, they run for the hills, exclaiming that they don’t want to be pulled down the “rabbit hole,” meaning that they don’t want to take any chances of being labeled a “conspiracy theorist.”


For those who have never delved into the Kennedy assassination but have interest in the matter, let me set forth just a few of the reasons that the circumstantial evidence points to a U.S. national-security state regime-change operation. Then, at the end of this article, I’ll point out some books and videos for those who wish to explore the matter more deeply.


I start out with a basic thesis: Lee Harvey Oswald was an intelligence agent for the U.S. deep state. Now, that thesis undoubtedly shocks people who have always believed in the lone-nut theory of the assassination. They just cannot imagine that Oswald could have really been working for the U.S. government at the time of the assassination.


Yet, when one examines the evidence in the case objectively, the lone-nut theory doesn’t make any sense. The only thesis that is consistent with the evidence and, well, common sense, is that Oswald was a U.S. intelligence agent.


Ask yourself: How many communist Marines have you ever encountered or even heard of? My hunch is none. Not one single communist Marine. Why would a communist join the Marines? Communists hate the U.S. Marine Corps. In fact, the U.S. Marine Corps hates communists. It kills communists. It tortures them. It invades communist countries. It bombs them. It destroys them.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:43 p.m. No.9726782   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6852 >>6876 >>6908 >>6945

Armed Atlanta protesters near Rayshard Brooks shooting site say cops not allowed there


At least three men brandishing long guns seen Tuesday night near the Wendy's restaurant in Atlanta where Rayshard Brooks was fatally shot during his arrest earlier this month told Fox News that police were no longer allowed in the area.


One man, who said he was holding a 12-gauge shotgun, told reporter Steve Harrigan he was armed because there were no longer police officers to protect them.


Another man said he lost confidence that the city's police were committed to their pledge to “serve and protect.”


“The police aren’t allowed here because they’re not here to protect us,” the man with the shotgun said.


Harrigan told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that he observed a roadblock with no police in sight. The Atlanta Police Department did not immediately respond to an after-hours email from Fox News about the unfolding situation.


The most recent tweet from the department was posted a few days ago, assuring residents that officers were still capable of responding to 911 calls. That tweet followed reports that some Atlanta police officers had been calling out sick, in what the city's interim police chief said was an indication that they "may feel abandoned" by the city's leadership.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:49 p.m. No.9726804   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6812 >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Group of Republicans, Who Claim Trump is a 'National Security Risk', Set to Endorse Biden


According to the most recente survey by Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll, presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden is currently leading over President Donald Trump in the run-up to the November election. However, there are still more than four months ahead of the national vote.


A number of Republicans who previously served as US national security officials under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush are currently forming a coalition to publicly back Joe Biden in the upcoming election, anonymous sources familiar with the matter told Reuters.


The group will reportedly include "at least two dozen officials" who will publicly oppose Donald Trump’s re-election bid, suggesting that it would "endanger" US national security. According to the report, the initiative is co-authored by two former staffers in the George W. Bush administration: John Bellinger III, former legal adviser to the National Security Council and State Department, and Ken Wainstein, the 43rd president’s homeland security adviser.


Robert Blackwill, who served as US Ambassador to India from 2001 to 2003 and US National Security Council Deputy for Iraq from 2003 to 2004, is also reportedly expected to join the group. All three former officials have previously publicly opposed Donald Trump’s candidacy. Some other officials, not previously involved in national security matters, may also take part in the initiative, sources say.


The group's public endorsement of Biden is expected to be announced in the upcoming weeks, possibly after the Democratic National Convention in August, when the former US vice president will be formally endorsed as the Democratic Party's presidential candidate.


There is yet another prominent group publicly voicing its opposition to Trump’s re-election, the Lincoln Project, a "political action committee" co-founded by George T. Conway III, the husband of Kellyanne Conway, who is Trump’s presidential counselor.—report/

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:51 p.m. No.9726814   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6852 >>6889 >>6908 >>6945

Hunter’s millions: Ukrainian MP reveals new ‘Biden-Poroshenko’ tapes, claims VP’s son was paid ‘protection money’ by Burisma


More tapes of what appear to be Joe Biden’s phone calls with the former president of Ukraine have surfaced, along with documents showing how much his son Hunter was paid by Burisma, a gas company desperate to avoid prosecution.


Ledgers show payments of $3.4 million from Burisma to Rosemont Seneca Bohai, the company co-founded by Hunter Biden, for “consulting services,” former prosecutor Konstantin Kulyk and Ukrainian MP Andrii Derkach revealed on Monday in Kiev.


Kulyk added that these services clearly amounted to “political protection of Burisma” and its owner Mykola Zlochevsky by US vice president at the time, Joe Biden.


Kulyk also told reporters that his office had evidence of Burisma’s lawyers offering $50 million to the government to make the case against the company and its founder go away – and not $6 million as was reported earlier.


The reason Burisma’s activities stood out from the white noise of general corruption in Ukraine following the US-backed coup in 2014 is that Zlochevsky sought to shield himself from scrutiny by hiring Hunter Biden as a board member, for a reported salary of $50,000 a month. Biden had no qualifications for the job, other than father being the top US official in charge of Ukraine.


Last month, Derkach released a batch of audio recordings of what sounded like Biden and then-President Petro Poroshenko of Ukraine, discussing everything from sacking a prosecutor looking into Burisma to what Kiev needed to do to qualify for an IMF bailout loan. He revealed more tapes on Monday.


The new recordings show ‘Biden’ micro-managing Ukraine’s internal affairs, asking ‘Poroshenko’ for a “favor,” discussing personnel appointments in the prosecutor-general’s office, assuring Poroshenko the FBI is not looking into claims of a Ukrainian MP who blew the whistle on massive corruption and vote-buying schemes, and so on.


The recordings have not been authenticated and Derkach himself was careful to say the voices “sound like” Poroshenko and Biden. He has turned the materials over to the prosecutor-general’s office, which is reportedly looking into charges of treason and abuse of power against the former president.


Poroshenko’s corruption and Hunter Biden’s job have had a major impact on US politics. Last year, Democrats accused President Donald Trump of soliciting foreign interference in the 2020 election by bringing up Burisma on a phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky and threatening to withhold US military aid to Kiev. The House of Representatives actually impeached Trump on those charges, though he was acquitted in the Senate.


One of the witnesses in the process was Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs George Kent. On Monday, Derkach named Kent as the liaison between Biden and Poroshenko, used to keep them informed of any developments regarding Burisma.

Anonymous ID: c71dba June 23, 2020, 10:55 p.m. No.9726831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6852 >>6908 >>6945

Bolton: Trump Easily Manipulated By Putin And Xi, Lacks ‘Worldview’


In an interview with the Washington Post’s Robert Costa on Tuesday afternoon, former National Security Advisor John Bolton tore into President Donald Trump over foreign policy and his actions with international organizations. The comments come on the same day as the release of Bolton’s controversial book, The Room Where It Happened.


When asked if Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Russians have manipulated the President’s worldview, Bolton asserted there “wasn’t much there to manipulate.”


“I don’t think the President has a worldview. That to me is the central problem. He doesn’t approach national security with a philosophy in mind,” Bolton said. “He doesn’t have a grand strategy, he doesn’t have policies.”


Bolton named Putin and China’s Communist Party leader Xi Jinping as world leaders he believes manipulate the President.


“They do see the President as easy to maneuver around to achieve their objectives,” Bolton said. “I think that’s a very real concern.”


Bolton’s book has stirred up controversy over its content as The Justice Department resorted to legal action to halt the book’s release, saying there was classified information.


On Saturday, the request was denied. However, the Judge, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth, expressed concerns that Bolton “gambled with the national security of the United States” in proceeding with the book’s release.


In an interview with Brian Kilmeade on Fox News Monday, Trump said Bolton should be prosecuted.


“But what he did do is he took classified information, and he published it during a presidency,” Trump said. “I believe that he’s a criminal, and I believe, frankly, he should go to jail for that.”


Allies of the President, like Former Press Secretary Sarah Sanders, have spoken out against Bolton and in support of the Administration’s foreign policy actions.


Bolton has several interviews planned on Tuesday and in the coming days to promote his book and further explain his account of his tenure in the Trump White House.