Anonymous ID: f48ad0 June 23, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.9726301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6328 >>6333 >>6435 >>6458 >>6726 >>6899

>>9726183 lb


Huge amounts that are seized goes into the ESF to keep it off the books and to protect it from affecting the economy. But smaller amounts is being pulled into special hedge funds and other funds, similar to the way money launderers do it, so that the government can sell assets (stocks, bonds, derivatives) without anyone knowing it was seized. One of these hedge funds was revealed on Fox when they did several large transactions in a row so that it showed up repeatedly on a stock ticker…


"Invesco QQQ Trust (QQQ)"


But that is just one of them. Also, in many cases the Treasury has seized a golden share.


A golden share is a type of share that gives its shareholder veto power over changes to the company's charter. It holds special voting rights, giving its holder the ability to block another shareholder from taking more than a ratio of ordinary shares


Often this is a Class "A" Preferred share and there is only one, valued at $1 or even less. But it effectively gives almost total control over a company.


Read this to understand the Black Hole that is the ESF.


You did know that all the markets and the entire world economy are RIGGED and that we live in a COMMUNIST system called the NWO and that free market Capitalism is just a fairy story fed to us by the Cabal? Right? You knew all this already, didn't you?

Anonymous ID: f48ad0 June 23, 2020, 9:39 p.m. No.9726369   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6391 >>6438



China is no nearer to meltdown than the USA

Meaning that it is teetering on the brink

The whole world economy is bankrupt

Every nation state and major bank is bankrupt

There is no point in demanding your savings because:

A. They won't give it to you

B. They do not have enough money to even be able to give it to you

and C. Even if they had the money in the bank, there is not enough cash (pieces of paper) available to give everyone their money.


And, if people did manage to get a pile of cash, they would soon learn that it is not even worth the numbers printed on it.

And significant cash withdrawals and attempts to spend it on hard goods, would simply result in inflation.

Tomorrow bread would be $75 per loaf.

The next day it would be $250 per loaf

And by the weekend, it would be $20,000 for one loaf of bread.


Therefore the COVID crisis was concocted.

However it is true that organized crime (who are all Thelemites following Aleister Crowley) have rigged some biological weapons and they really do want to kill lots of people

And they really did have a common cold virus, namely SARS-CoV-2 that theoretically could have infected way more men, much more quickly. They released it last summer in Wuhan but things went wrong

Just like when they released Lyme disease and HIV, and SARS 1 and Ebola and H1N1 and Zika.


Every damn time the organism mutates to less dangerous forms and the most dangerous form kills the host and doesn't spread fast enough

Lucky us.


So we have nothing to worry from disease, other than SUICIDE which is when people eat too much of the processed food industry's poison. And use all those poisoned baby products. Do you even know what baby powder is???

Anonymous ID: f48ad0 June 23, 2020, 9:43 p.m. No.9726391   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Has it escaped your notice that people who are healthy do not get sick?

And that even HCQ works best when you take Vitamin C and Zinc?

And you already knew that Vitamin C and Zinc stave off viral disease which is why you take them in the Cold and Flu season, right?

Or do you just eat the poison at Starbucks and then poison yourself with a microwave dinner for supper?

Maybe you deserve to be a sheep and die for the Cabal.


There is ONLY ONE WAY OUT and that is…


Anonymous ID: f48ad0 June 23, 2020, 9:53 p.m. No.9726450   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6523



There are a lot of people who THOUGHT they were WOKE

But they are not

They THOUGHT they were red pilled

But they are not.

And now their world is cracking

And they are being forced to REALLY wake up, not just pretend to be awake like before.


Taking full responsibility for your own life, and meeting God up front and personal, is scary.

It was so much easier to imaging that you just had to shift allegiance to somebody who wears a red hat and it will be all OK.


Sorry, but that ain't so

Nobody gets out of this without GENUINE prayer.

Go to a quiet place, and pray silently

Only you and God.

Nobody to see you do it

Nobody knows but you and your creator.

We all come from God in the first place

So REAL PRAYER should feel like going home.


That is what counts. Not some magic spells done by strangers who claim to be praying for you. Maybe they are, and maybe they aren't.

Just go straight to God within yourself.

Anonymous ID: f48ad0 June 23, 2020, 9:57 p.m. No.9726490   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6576



Are you referring to the Dec 20 2017 EO and the Treasury Secretary's actions to take control of the ESF for the USA rather than funneling the cash into the usual Cabal money laundering machine?


Or are you referring to the 1913 heist that set up 8 families as owners of the USA, and the ESF as their private door into the USA's piggy banks?