There wouldn't be a religion on this planet… that doesn't want to beat the shit out of you assholes…lol.
Nice memes.
Until that trigger finger gets a gentle squeeze….Gotta make it big enough for the world to wake…I'd be worried if I were you…lol.
Keep kidding your selves… I'm here laughing every day.
If you could get him out and kill him, you would…I notice the last bit say…" Julian refused the Australian consul"… I think Julian knows best.
Yeah… these assholes have always used the armies for cannon fodder…. Guess what ppl… no armies… so now you get to see the real fuckheads in society… that is dragging it down through…BULLSHIT….lol.
Find the "missing link"… then get back to me…. O… that's right… you need money to look for that…. how much have you spent?…. How much more do you plan to?
Like I give a fuck about your opinion…. you got your truth… I got mine.
Take out Australia's while your there…. we definitely wont miss it.
That was my first meme for Biden… he is soooo fucked, I just don't bother….. every picture is a meme…. no words needed….lmao.
Just because…lol.
"trust" the plan… no throwing it out now….lol.
Just out of curiosity… shills.
Do you feel like there is a super huge set of eyes… looking at you right now?
Just curious.