The quirk is us - the Human Ape is the quirk, as Nature is Nature and no other beast needs 'Law' (written down values, morals and control mechanisms) - merely retribution.
Yes, there is tribe and herd in other species, where the ever present threat of violence maintains sustainability of the tribe. Survival of the fittest, physical strength a major decider in accepting (not choosing) Leaders.
Humans are a quirk. Some natural herd animals, some resolute loners. Loners don't readily accept tribe control structures. Tribes too are warped in that often the weakest physical animals are 'voted' to lead - subverting the 'survival of the fittest' evolutionary norms and instincts.
All this subversion of the Natural State of things, in order to accomplish the desire for Society in some, creates the deep seated tensions, that grow, and grow… and grow. War being ultimately the release value unfortunately.
How can Individualists/Loners live in a society that wants Order and Law not for safety but merely to sustain the weak in power and in leadership roles?
How can society that drifts too far into overbearing and oppressive forms of Law and Order be sequentially reset without the need for war and violence?
I think one of Trump's biggest and best ideas (don't know how well it's been adhered to now) was that readiness to delete two old legislative restrictions to create one. The disassembling -in an orderly way - of the vice like grip of added law upon law upon restraint upon directive upon company law upon statute etc etc.
Society Must be Simplified Back to a foundation of Essential Rules to protect people's rights within a society - and just bluntly burn the many needless checks and balances that are only there to assert political power. Too much yearly new legislation, too many laws, to many hoops to go through, to much Government control.