I'll post what I want, Karen. ALL of those photos came from public social media that CENSORS conservative voices. FACEBOOK, TWITTER, IG, REDDIT, and apparently you failed to get my point.
Did you take the facebook test?
Congratulations! And my point exactly is that by providing these sick people with an outlet to post their sickness, and in an environment where you can't say "No bro, you don't pass, you will never pass, and men don't have periods" is doing nothing but creating a lie. An entire social lie, where in the interest of being "forced nice" no one ever fucking says what they mean.
By using those outlets every single person is supporting their existence.
>well I don't post bikini shots
>well millions of others do sparking a "I am hotter" war with more and more display to where we actually have people posting their post op genital mutilation and people COMMENTING ON IT
>oh so great, hope mine turns out like that
everyone else
>WTF is that shit? they say only to themselves.
I guarantee you every single one of these photo comment streams had nothing but
>OMG girl that is so hot
>How pretty
>Can I borrow that skirt?
This shit has to stop. And it would, if we were allowed to be honest.
>dude, men don't have periods, that's insane. Get help.
>What the fuck did you do to your dick?
but no
>lovely new dick there. Enjoy it
(vomits quietly to the side)