I call them “cabAl critters”, great job assholes.
TheY think the earth is flat?
I told my buddy there’s a whole bunch of evidence out there that the earth is flat, his response,
“Who gives a shit?”
All by design, the world was taken over by occultists, well almost.
TheY want control of not just your body but your soul, they created a construct in which your life is controlled by the “system” they create; money, education, politics, culture, science and “health care” are ALL constructs they created with occult teachings. By using the mysteries against us they want possession of our souls. By understanding this deception and opening your mind you gain full control.
Those who are awakened are on the boat, the sheeple see the reflection and believe it is the boat and are “lost at sea” waking the masses is the ripples in the water, the reflection fades and the boat comes into view. We are to pull the “lost at sea” into the boat and take humanity to the next level. It’s for the people and it is glorious.