Anonymous ID: fdd37b June 24, 2020, 7:40 a.m. No.9729158   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9169 >>9183 >>9184

>>9728559 (lb)

this, is a Jew -


not only is the subject-matter itself the stuff of jewish posters

(anything gnostic, anything to do with planet X, anything flat earth, anything ascended master-ish) this one who studied this for a year didn't realize Stichin was Jewish



in the meantime in jewish-run Massachusetts the police are investigating pieces of paper with words on them

Anonymous ID: fdd37b June 24, 2020, 7:53 a.m. No.9729256   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9302


according to the Jews, their number one enemy inheres in the Catholic Church, who is the inheritor of all things Rome, and they mean it.


To these people every single European is ROME, and every Christian the seed of ROME.


They want revenge for


  1. Rome putting an Edomite on the throne thereby fulfilling prophecy.

  2. Rome destroying the temple.

  3. Bar Kochba.

  4. Khazaria destruction.


not forgetting the issue of 5. the Seleucid Greeks and the temple…


describe with specificity the men with swords the Jews saw on each occasion. what did they look like? they would have looked like a cross-section of us.


they did not all look like AL PACINO!

Anonymous ID: fdd37b June 24, 2020, 7:58 a.m. No.9729302   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9367


They do not like Constantine for sure.

They do not like the Julio-Claudians.

They really do not like the Flavians.


I think its awesome this discovery about who they hate and why. basically, I guess they would crap their pants if a Christian Roman Legion showed up outside their Temple.


find out whom they hate and whom they fear and give them more of that seems too obvious?

Anonymous ID: fdd37b June 24, 2020, 8:06 a.m. No.9729367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9380


they are the iconoclasts par excellence btw


LITERALLY zero tolerance for ANY artistic depiction of ANYTHING to do with Jesus


ANYTHING - even empty crosses (they prefer those, they hate the ones with Jesus on it reminds them of their SIN and the mercy of God and they have no forgiveness in their Talmud) are idolatrous to them because Jesus in and of Himself is THE IDOL and they call Him that and they call all Christians idolators


okay so if the Synagogue of Satan likes places without statues, paintings, things like that, think about doing the opposite


if the secret vampire book says "make sure goyim get rid of mirrors so call them…yes….say the reflection is idolatrous, yes they will buy that!" then set up mirrors all over the kingdom