“Pentegon’s top tech officials resign “more coming”
sounds like ez watnik is back in bizz with mr storch….a clean house is a health house
Not sure if these questions were ever answered:
what is the keystone?
a. for anons it is adding POTUS + MILITARY comms/news to the crumbs to get the picture
b. for the enemy it is the destruction/fall of the USA = last to be eliminated for the order
sum of all fears = instigated ww3 + the order wants Jerusalem
what family did sorryos replace = astor
who was hitler handler = UK intel (on behalf of the order)
what is the owl = personification of (10 horns) = satan+chiefs = vatican/central banks
what is all seeing eye = eye of satan = order feeds satan (literally and spiritually)
*satan+chiefs meet with cult leaders face to face = human sacrifice is for satan+minions to eat
order double agents in chy-na released kung flu