Globalist Marxist leaning Harris County Judge Lina "Looney" Hidalgo
and Houston's Mayor Sylvester "Stealvestment" Turner is already causing fearmongering, emotional trauma in their controlling methods. Even big stores are traumatising people, by not letting them in without a mask(thier mark of the beast like a 666), and they're not providing any.
They're causing traumatic stress and some to go without food for awhile, which diabetics & low bloodsugar people can't afford for that to happen for too long!
In doing so people can still shop there if they want to, and see how ridiculous that Judge Hidalgo has become. What next, forced vaccines?
Used to be 6 ft apart announcements in those stores, now you're totally cut off unless you take her mark(the mask). People are getting turned away at Krogers HEB Randalls from buying food unless they take the mark of the Beast Lunatic Hidalgo, Harris County Judge.
A Harris Co deputies hired as security for those businesses to backup the illegal orders along with those castrated businesses.
I hope you Governor Gregg Abbott and Lt Gov Dan Patrick stop being RINOs and stand up to that evil leftist communist B. Be a true GOP guys with real intestinal fortitude.
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