Anonymous ID: 06d3fe June 24, 2020, 11:04 a.m. No.9732049   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2076

They are ramping up something to happen in Tucson soon.


The mayor is creating division toward the police and the Chief of Police may be complicit.


From old digs during the VOA/Cemex stuff a couple of summers ago. Chief of Police Magnus came from Richmond where allegations of police involved with prostitution. He covered up the happenings in the desert that VOA were trying to get investigated.


Yesterday Mayor Regina Romero abruptly canceled the meeting regarding police funding when the Chief of Police released evidence from an inmate dying in custody TWO Months ago.


The mayor just painted Black Lives Matter on the streets in Tucson and unfurled a BLM banner on a building facing I-10. She tweeted yesterday about PRIDE month and highlighted the '69 Stonewall Riots.


Why did the police wait until yesterday to release the video from April?

Notice in the picture Magnus holding the BLM sign 4 years ago? Ice Cube also got involved with Tucson regarding not being allowed to film police. Something big is brewing…


In a statement Tuesday evening, Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said the death “as documented in the Pima County Medical Examiner’s report was ascribed to sudden cardiac arrest, with acute cocaine intoxication and an enlarged heart.


”Magnus added that “the person had been restrained in handcuffs. No blows, strikes, chokeholds, knee to the neck, chemical or electronic weapons were used. No shots were fired.”


The chief said three police officers involved in the arrest resigned rather than be fired.


Tucson Mayor Regina Romero said she has seen the video of the death and was “anguished and deeply troubled” by it.


She abruptly cancelled a city council meeting that was set for Tuesday afternoon, saying she didn’t feel it was appropriate “to carry on with business as usual in light of this event.”


Romero said the city isn’t releasing the person’s name out of respect for the family’s wishes.


She said the family will be able to view the video and police will hold a briefing Wednesday to discuss details of the case now that their administrative investigation is completed.


“In this case, three officers did not live up to the high standards of the Tucson Police Department. They are no longer employed here,” Magnus said.