Enough with the spamfest.
LOL at the kike faggot getting his ass kicked.
Useless endeavor anyway. Everyone has chosen their sides already. Just another exercise in futility.
That was the clear intent from the start.
Especially once you add in the MSM.
>Then Nov 2017 can Q came out.
And it's been downhill ever since. Our nation has lost a ton of ground over the last 3 years. Everything is far worse now than it was then.
He means his family, not your fantasy cast of superheroes.
>everyone has chosen a side by now
True. It was that way when we elected Trump. Nothing has changed.
>Wonder what's wrong with a back-up email to retrieve PW or whatever?
Not satisfactory to the DS.
>Fuckery going on there as well.
And the CIA nigger is pushing us to do that. Sorry, not me. It's a waste of time anyway. Anyone that doesn't realize everyone has already chosen a side is legit clueless.
And even if sides weren't already chosen, which they are, it would just be another echo chamber like here.
Bottom line is that this war isn't going to be won through keyboards. Every day that's wasted on such a futile effort is another day our nation slips further away. Q wants you to fail to realize that.
Second one should say when, not why.
Nice emphasis. Not sure this makes sense. The oath is personal, just like every other decision we make to do the right thing. It doesn't need to be posted. Just don't trust our comped govt and especially since the comped ass shitbag loaded FBI has already declared right wingers to be terrorists.
You didn't even read my post, you seething douche.
Busy cutting the straws so they can draw again to see who's gonna fake Covid next.