Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:34 a.m. No.9732461   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2476 >>2548 >>2596 >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

Not Just Biden – Obama DAG Sally Yates Likely Lied As Well About Her Knowledge of General Flynn Set Up


Former Obama Vice President Joe Biden may not be the only person who lied about knowledge of the General Flynn set up. It looks like Sally Yates may have known as well and lied about it under oath.


We reported earlier today that the Justice Department released Peter Strzok notes from January 4th, 2017 regarding the Flynn-Kislyak calls.


Now we know that Obama and Biden were directly involved in the sham Flynn investigation.


Strzok’s newly released notes also suggest a secret meeting in January at that time was the reason the Flynn investigation was not closed.


The Strzok notes show then-Vice President Joe Biden wanted to invoke the Logan Act against General Mike Flynn.


Strzok also noted that Obama DIRECTLY ordered an investigation into Flynn, saying “Have the right people on the case.”


Then-FBI Director James Comey said the calls between Flynn and Kislyak “appear legit” but they went ahead with the hit job against Flynn.


“Strzok’s notes believed to be of January 4, 2017, reveal that former President Obama, James Comey, Sally Yates, Joe Biden and apparently Susan Rice discussed the transcripts of Flynn’s calls and how to proceed against him.”


“Mr. Obama himself directed that “the right people” investigate General Flynn.”


This looks like a whole lot of lying from the Obama gang in order to set up and illegally indict General Flynn for no crimes.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:35 a.m. No.9732472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2484

Tesla Knowingly Used Model S Batteries That Leaked And Possibly Caused Fires: Report


Today in "why do Teslas keep randomly catching fire" news.


When Tesla began selling its Model S back in 2012, the cars were equipped with a "poorly designed battery" that was susceptible to leaking, according to a new Business Insider report. The battery leaks may have been the cause of short circuits and ensuing fires.


What is more damning, and potentially exposing the company to criminal prosecution, is that Musk sold the cars despite knowing about the potentially deadly flaw. According to the report, the leaks became an "urgent concern" in spring 2012 due to two problems with the cooling system:


First, the aluminum Tesla chose to use for the end fitting of the cooling coil was susceptible to cracks and pinholes, according to tests done by the third-party firm IMR Test Lab in the summer of 2012. Business Insider reviewed these test results.

And second, the design of the end fitting piece in the cooling system was imperfect, such that even after the part was brazed together, there were gaps between the cooling coil and its end fitting piece that connected it to the car, according to emails viewed by Business Insider. Sometimes, employees would have to force pieces together with a hammer to close gaps, according to internal Tesla documents viewed by Business Insider and a former Tesla employee.


BI says that e-mails it has viewed suggested the company had trouble fixing the problem and that battery leaks showed up on the production line as late as the end of 2012.


It also claims that cooling coils used by Tesla were sent to a test lab in upstate New York back in July of 2012 and that the results of the testing concluded that "the cooling coils did not meet chemical requirements for a regulation strength aluminum alloy." The report alleges that even though Tesla knew about the design flaw, Model S vehicles kept rolling off the line.


"If we don't deliver these cars we're f—ed," CEO Elon Musk had told his team, according to the report, around the same time. The company delivered more than 250 Model S sedans in Q3 2012.


No doubt, the tone was set at the top. There was even a running joke at Tesla that the first 10,000 Model S VINs would all be different, due to all of the design flaws. An ex-employee told BI: "I think it's common in every auto company that vehicles are released with design flaws. It's called running design changes."

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:36 a.m. No.9732480   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

Andy Ngo: Newspapers of record are writing antifa out of the riots & declaring those who bring attention to them as alt-right.


FACT-CHECKING THE “FACT CHECKERS:” Andy Ngo Demolishes WaPo’s Anti-Trump ‘Fact-Check’ Claiming No Antifa-Led Violence in the Riots.


After the protests over the police killing of George Floyd devolved into looting, vandalism, and arson across America that destroyed black lives, black livelihoods, and black monuments, President Donald Trump condemned antifa instigators, insisting they played a key role in the riots. Yet on Monday, The Washington Post fact-checker claimed that Trump’s statements about antifa were lies. The Post Millennial’s Andy Ngo definitively shot down that ludicrous claim in one tweet.


The fact-checker gave Trump “Four Pinocchios” for his antifa claims, arguing that “there has not yet been a single confirmed case in which someone who self-identifies as antifa led violent acts at any of the protests across the country.”


Yet Ngo tweeted a prosecutorial record involving Amelia Joan Shamrowicz, who allegedly committed arson, criminal mischief (destroying or damaging $1,000 or more in property), and rioting. When police interviewed Shamrowicz’s roommates, they “reported that SHAMROWICZ stated they started the fire using a Molotov cocktail, and she is part of Antifa. SHAMROWICZ was reported to be extremely excited about being labeled a terrorist and was very animated about her hopes that police officers would be killed and injured by the riots. She also stated that she would be going out on another mission and the goal would be to set another fire.”


Multnomah County, Ore., Deputy District Attorney Brad Kalbaugh filed the report on June 1, 2020, shortly after the first round of nationwide rioting following George Floyd’s death.


Related: Washington Post Defends Story Dragging Random Woman Into Public Sphere Over Halloween Costume.




Curiously though while the new autonomous nation is still outsourcing its crime fighting to America: People still dial 911 after 17-year-old CHOP resident shot; Refuses to talk to detectives.


UPDATE: Seattle’s Breakaway CHOP Now Also a Sexual Assault Crime Scene.


WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. UN: Calling Antifa ‘Domestic Terrorists’ Undermines ‘Peaceful Assembly.’


No problem — we’ll go with international terrorists, then.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:38 a.m. No.9732507   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

Michigan mayor resigns for saying 'I will be crucified if I vote against a black person' during city council meeting'


A Michigan mayor resigned Tuesday, a week after she said she supported the appointment of a human relations commissioner only because she would be 'crucified' if she voted against a Black person.

'I am deeply sorry to have my service end on this note and in this way,' Beth Bashert, who was mayor of Ypsilanti, said on Facebook.

'Sadly, as a result of my actions, there is healing to do to ensure that all residents, including Black, Indigenous, and people of color, enjoy full equity in Ypsilanti,' she said. 'That is what I want for our City. I had hoped to participate in that healing process, going forward.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:39 a.m. No.9732517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2552 >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

US, Russia End Nuclear Talks, Agree to Second Round


US demands for China's involvement 'unrealistic'


High-profile nuclear talks between the US and Russia began Monday in Vienna and ended Tuesday, with plans for a second round of talks near the end of July or in early August. The intention is to reach a new agreement to replace New START, which is to expire soon.


Though US negotiator Marshall Billingslea said the talks were productive, details are scant, and the only public thing that the US really did was say they’d invited China (who said they didn’t intend to attend) and then slammed them on Twitter as a “no-show.”


Russian officials dismissed the whole China issue as “unrealistic,” since the limitations on arms previously applied to the US and Soviet Union, and China has far fewer weapons. Russia also suggested that if the US is so determined to drag China in, they might as well get France and Britain, even smaller nuclear powers, involved.


Billingslea said he thinks it’s unnecessary for Britain and France to get involved, but the US is still holding out on China. Russian officials have accused the US of using China as an excuse not to make progress on a new arms deal.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:40 a.m. No.9732528   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

Writing in Saudi paper, Israel intelligence minister calls for normalisation


Israeli Intelligence Minister Eli Cohen has called on Arab states to normalise relations with the occupation state and not wait for the Palestinian issue to be resolved, the New Khaleej reported yesterday.


According to the news website, Cohen spoke with the Saudi online daily Elaph and reiterated Israel’s intelligence capabilities and cooperation with the Gulf States against Iran.


“I appreciate the cooperation of the Arab states,” he said. “There is importance for security relations in front of the common enemy,” he added, pointing to Iran.


“There is importance for mutual economic cooperation among these countries [Israel and the Gulf States],” he said, stressing: “We could work together.”


Regarding the Israeli relations with the Arab states in light of the planned Israeli annexation of large parts of the occupied Palestinian West Bank, Cohen stressed the importance of dialogue to reach an agreement.


He denied any reconciliation with the Arab states and the Palestinians based on US President Donald Trump’s so-called ‘deal of the century’; however, he stressed that any potential reconciliation with the Palestinians far from the deal could take more than ten years.


Cohen claimed that he had met with the Palestinian leaders many times to reach a reconciliation, “but the Palestinians have only one thing in mind: opposition to peace.”


He said: “We completely withdrew from Gaza, what did the Palestinians do with the money paid by the Gulf States? They built tunnels and arms factories that we destroyed over their heads.”

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.9732542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2575 >>2590 >>2685 >>2691 >>2724 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111 >>3127

Pentagon Quietly Moves to Make CBD Use a Criminal Offense for Troops


U.S. troops can now be punished for using products that contain hemp or cannabidiol, according to a Defense Department memo recently made public.


In February, Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Matthew Donovan directed the services to issue general orders or regulations by March 1 prohibiting the use of products made from hemp under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice.


Donovan's memo, dated Feb. 26, was highlighted Monday in a tweet by the DoD's Operation Supplement Safety, an initiative within the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences that provides information to service members on dietary supplements.


Troops have known since last year that most products containing cannabidiol, or CBD, were off-limits, with two of the four DoD services issuing guidance restricting use of any form of CBD, including in supplements, creams, ointments and tinctures.


But the new orders make use of hemp and CBD punitive across all DoD active-duty and reserve component personnel, including the Navy and Marine Corps, whose members were allowed under the Department of the Navy to use topical products like shampoo, lotions and creams.


Donovan said the move was needed to "protect the integrity of the drug testing program."


"I specifically find a military necessity to require a prohibition of this scope to ensure the military drug testing program continues to be able to identify the use of marijuana, which is prohibited, and to spare the U.S. military the risks and adverse effects marijuana use has on the mission readiness of individual service members and military units," he wrote.


The federal government removed hemp from its list of controlled substances under the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. By law, hemp that contains less than .3% THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana) is legal.


Since hemp's legalization, the market for CBD, derived from the hemp plant, has exploded into a $1 billion industry in the U.S., with products touted to help nearly every ache and ailment, from pain and stress to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.


Although products containing CBD and less than .3% THC are legal in the U.S., the Food and Drug Administration does not certify the ingredients of dietary supplements, and in an unregulated market, such products may contain levels of THC that may cause service members to pop positive on a drug test.


Since troops can't determine exactly what they are getting in any CBD product and the DoD can't practically maintain a list of approved hemp products, all products must be off-limits, Donovan said.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:43 a.m. No.9732573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2691 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

At UN, Arab League head warns of ‘religious war’ if Israel annexes in West Bank


After Security Council meeting, Pompeo signals US backing for Israeli move; Israel’s envoy says it would be applying sovereignty, not annexing; UN chief warns of ‘watershed moment’


The United Nations, European Union countries, and the Arab League joined Wednesday in calling for Israel to abandon its plans to annex parts of the West Bank, as the Jewish state’s envoy to the international body insisted the step would not stand in the way of peace with the Palestinians.


The calls were made during a UN Security Council video conference on the issue.


It was the last international meeting before July 1, when Israel may begin moving the plan forward.


“We are at a watershed moment,” said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. “If implemented, annexation would constitute a most serious violation of international law. I call on the Israeli government to abandon its annexation plans.”


He reiterated the longstanding goal of a two-state solution with an independent, contiguous, sovereign and viable Palestinian state, with Jerusalem as the capital of both states.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:44 a.m. No.9732581   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Rutherford Institute Warns Tech Giants: Attempts to Censor Unpopular Viewpoints Online Run Afoul of First Amendment


MENLO PARK, Calif. — Denouncing attempts by big tech companies and social media platforms to silence controversial, provocative and/or politically unpopular viewpoints, The Rutherford Institute has warned that any move to de-platform, shadowban, and demonetize users based on their viewpoints will subject private corporations working in conjunction with the U.S. government to the strictures of the First Amendment. In recent months, Google, Facebook, YouTube and other social media companies have taken steps to crack down on content that disputes accepted views on COVID-19; that could be considered “fake” news by establishment sources; or that could be perceived as promoting “hatred, intolerance, violence or discrimination.” The sites targeted for censorship include those of David Icke for questioning the prevailing orthodoxy regarding the COVID-19 pandemic; Zero Hedge for not blocking reader comments that violates Google’s policies on race; and The Federalist, also for allegedly racist remarks posted in its comments section.


“What we are witnessing is the modern-day equivalent of book burning, which does away with controversial ideas and the people who espouse them,” said constitutional attorney John W. Whitehead, president of The Rutherford Institute and author of Battlefield America: The War on the American People. “This form of technofascism—large technology corporations with control over information colluding with governments to stifle forms of dissent that challenge an elitist status quo—is a slippery slope that starts with censoring so-called illegitimate ideas and ends by silencing truth.”

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.9732612   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Dutch Government Outright Lies about MH17, to Blame Russia


  1. The Dutch Government’s 279-page investigative findings on the “Crash of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17” were published in October 2015, and reported, on


page 84, (under 2.13.2 “Crew autopsy”) that “First Officer Team A … During the body scan of the First Officer’s body, over 120 objects (mostly metal fragments) were detected. The majority of the fragments were found in left side of the upper torso.” Then, it reported, on


page 85 (under 2.13.3) “the First Officer, from Team A, who was operating the aeroplane at the time of the crash.”


(Note that they buried this crucial information, instead of saying clearly that “The pilot’s upper left torso, immediately to the left of the area of the fuselage that had been shot out, had 120 objects that were mostly metal fragments.”) (Here is a closer picture of that side-panel on the left side of the fuselage, to the pilot’s immediate left, and here is that side-panel shown back on the airliner, so that one can see that this firing had to have been done from below, shooting upward into the pilot.)


This crucial physical finding, that the pilot’s corpse had been loaded with “over 120 objects (mostly metal fragments),” is entirely consistent with the side-panel’s having been shot through by bullets, which would have been coming from a Ukrainian military jet and aimed upward, directly at the pilot. That marksman had to have been highly proficient in order to hit the pilot so accurately with so many bullets.


Nothing else was found to be shot through with anything like such an intensity of “mostly metal fragments,” but only the pilot’s upper left torso. This, alone, is virtually conclusive proof that a Ukrainian military jet plane had fired directly at the pilot in order to bring down this civilian plane. (More will be cited here, in #2 below.)


All of this evidence was entirely buried and ignored by the Dutch Government, revealed deep in the report, and only in sub-clauses, instead of in any direct sentences.


Furthermore: “There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machine-gun fire, very very strong machine-gun fire.” This remarkable statement comes not from Haisenko, but from one of the first OSCE investigators who arrived at the scene of the disaster. Go to


and you will see it. [But, now, it has been removed. Here is the information on that video. That video was titled “OSCE monitor mentions bullet holes in MH17”.]



Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:49 a.m. No.9732636   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

Putin says Russia will never forget allies’ contribution to victory over Nazi Germany


MOSCOW, June 24. /TASS/. Russia will never forget the contribution to achieving the Victory by the Soviet Union’s allies in the anti-Hitler coalition as well as that by all the fighters against Nazism, Russian President Vladimir Putin said during the military parade on Moscow’s Red Square.



"We will never forget the contribution by our allies to achieving the Victory and the importance of the second front opened in June 1944," the Russian leader said.


"We honor the memory of courageous combatants of the armed forces of all the states in the anti-Hitler coalition, the feat of the fighters against Nazism who fearlessly acted in countries of Europe," Putin said.


As the Russian leader said at the beginning of the military parade, along with Russian servicemen, representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Moldova, Mongolia, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan would march on Red Square.


"We are glad to welcome our friends, guests from various countries who have arrived in Moscow to give tribute to all those who defended peace on the planet," Putin said.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:51 a.m. No.9732665   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2674 >>2709

Biden Campaign Missing Only 2 Exciting Things: A Direction and a Candidate


Is Hidin’ Joe Biden the 1994 Crime Bill guy, or the #BLM and antifa guy?


The former veep and alleged Democratic presidential nominee might be up in the polls, but his campaign is being pulled in two impossible directions with a rudderless candidate stuck in the middle with little to do.


It isn’t easy to feel sympathy for someone like Biden, who has somehow grown rich without ever producing a good or service in the private sector.


The man who used his public “service” to enrich his talentless and ethically challenged son.


The man who can’t seem to keep his hands and nose off women who are not his wife, regardless of age or obvious discomfort.


The man who lies so casually and without consequence about his record and his life.


The man who turned his first wife’s tragic auto-accident death into a catapult for his own career, while publicly accusing the innocent driver of the other car of being drunk at the time.


You know, the guy currently getting a pass from the race-obsessed Democrat-Media Complex for his past protection of segregated private schools.


Black lives matter, I guess, but only until they try to get into the “right” schools.


But for the sake of fairness, we’re going to try to generate some sympathy for Biden, anyway — the creep.


We’ll fail, sure. But sometimes the glory is in the effort.


Biden’s campaign, such as it is, is being pulled in two directions at once — with a candidate caught in the middle who has grown so frail that moving competently in just one direction might be beyond his capabilities.


The first direction is the natural one for Biden to try and navigate, and the one he’s mostly pursued so far: Keep his head down while campaigning on a “return to normalcy” after four years of chaos under Trump.


It doesn’t matter if the chaos is mostly generated by the Left and not by Trump. As former Republican Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker learned in his reelection loss a couple of years ago, sometimes voters will ditch the superior incumbent Republican in favor of the inferior Democrat challenger just to make the Democrat-caused headaches go away.


“Elect us and we’ll stop being such a nuisance” is essentially a protection racket, but we are talking about Democrats here.


“Elect Joe and he can make all that impeachment stuff and RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA talk ago away.” It’s a crap strategy, harmful to the Republic, but it’s the one Team Biden has been counting on all along.

VIDEO: Poor Black Communities Devastated After #BLM Riots Lead to New Food Deserts


Or at least right up until the George Floyd killing and the radical left-wing insurgency that arose in its wake.


We’re no longer talking sham impeachments or screechy SJW snowflakes taking over people’s Twitter feeds. Instead, we’re talking about a onetime peaceful protest that’s been hijacked by committed Marxists — and as of right now, the national Democratic Party is almost entirely in thrall to Marxist outfits like Black Lives Matter (#BLM) and antifa.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:52 a.m. No.9732677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2688 >>2831 >>3048 >>3111

The New Censors


Do you say what you think? That’s risky! You may get fired!


You’ve probably heard about a New York Times editor resigning after approving an opinion piece by Senator Tom Cotton that suggested the military to step in to end riots.


Many Times reporters tweeted out the same alarmist wording, “Running this puts Black NY Times staffers in danger.”

Really? How?


In my new video, Robby Soave, a Reason Magazine editor who writes about young radicals, explains, “They only claim it because that’s their tactic for seizing power in the workplace.”


They learned this tactic from so-called woke professors and fellow activists at expensive colleges, says Soave.


Last year, Harvard students demanded that law professor Ron Sullivan resign as a resident dean. Why? He’d agreed to be part of Harvey Weinstein’s legal defense team.


A female student said, “I don’t feel safe!” although Sullivan had been a dean for many years. Sullivan resigned.


At UCLA, business school lecturer Gordon Klein rejected a request to give black students different treatment on their final exam because of George Floyd’s death. Klein pointed out that since the class was online, he had no way of knowing which students were black. He also told students: “remember that MLK famously said that people should not be evaluated based on the color of their skin.”


The activist group Color of Change (which once demanded that I be fired) launched a petition to have Klein “terminated for his extremely insensitive, dismissive, and woefully racist response.” UCLA quickly caved. Klein is on mandatory leave.


Now that many former college radicals have jobs at elite media companies, they demand that newspapers not say certain things.

When, in response to looting during George Floyd protests, the Philadelphia Inquirer ran the insensitive headline, “Buildings Matter, Too,” 44 staff members claimed that “puts our lives at risk.” Their letter didn’t give any evidence as to how it threatened their lives (in fact, today both blacks and whites are safer than ever), but they won. The editor resigned.


A week later, young activists at NBC news tried to silence The Federalist, a respected conservative site that NBC labeled as “far-right.” The Federalist had published a column that said, correctly, that the media falsely claimed that violent riots were peaceful. But the column did contain a mistake. It quoted a government official saying tear gas was not used, when it had been used.


NBC then ran an article bragging that Google blocked The Federalist’s ads after an “NBC news verification unit” brought The Federalist’s “racism” to Google’s attention. NBC’s reporter even thanked left-wing activist groups for their “collaboration.”


But NBC was wrong. Google didn’t cut off The Federalist. Google merely threatened that if the Federalist didn’t police its comments section.


It was one time when the activist mob’s smears failed. But they keep trying to kill all sorts of expression.


Some now even want the children’s TV show “Paw Patrol” canceled because it suggests law enforcement is noble.


When activists decide that certain words or arguments are “offensive,” no one must use those words.


“(But) we’re supposed to occasionally offend each other,” says Soave, “because you might be wrong. We have to have a conversation about it. We have to challenge dogma. What if we were still with the principle that you couldn’t speak out against the King?! That’s the history of the Middle Ages.”


That’s when authorities arrested Galileo for daring to say that the earth revolved around the sun.


“That’s the condition that all humans lived under until just the last 300 years, and it was a much less happy place,” says Soave. “Then we came to an idea that we improve society by having frank and sometimes difficult conversations about policy issues, philosophy, about how we’re going to get along and live together.”


Life has been much better since people acquired the right to speak freely.


Elite colleges spread the idea that speech can be a form of violence. “Words are like bullets!” they say.


But words are words; bullets are bullets. We must keep them apart.


When entitled leftists declare themselves the sole arbiters of truth, it’s crucial that we all speak up for free speech.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:55 a.m. No.9732695   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2736 >>2757

Infant vaccination rates plummeted during the lock down, so why did INFANT mortality rates also plummet to historic lows?


Vaccines are praised as the golden standard for saving millions of lives worldwide. That’s the promise that we are led to believe as parents ritualistically submit their infant sons and daughters to a cornucopia of state-sanctioned injections. Well-baby visits are designed to introduce up to 26 liability-free vaccinations in the baby’s first year of life, during six or more visits to a pediatrician.


However, during the covid-19 lockdowns, well-baby visits were cancelled and vaccination rates plummeted as a result. More parents stayed home, nursed their babies, watched them closely, and kept them away from pediatricians.


When the national emergency order was declared, provider orders for routine pediatric vaccines dropped significantly. The Vaccines for Children Program and the Vaccine Safety Data link reported a drop-off in vaccination coverage starting in the third week of March, as hundreds of thousands of parents stayed home and skipped well-baby visits. The downward trend was observed from March 23rd to the end of April for all non-influenza vaccines, especially measles-containing vaccines.


So why did infant mortality rates drop to historic lows as vaccination coverage fell?

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 11:58 a.m. No.9732720   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Big Win for All Americans: Federal Judge Upholds Trump’s Hospital Price Transparency Rule


“BIG VICTORY for patients – Federal court UPHOLDS hospital price transparency,” President Trump wrote on Twitter on Tuesday. “Patients deserve to know the price of care BEFORE they enter the hospital. Because of my action, they will. This may very well be bigger than healthcare itself. Congratulations America!”


Judge Carl Nichols granted the administration’s motion for summary judgment on Tuesday, meaning it did not go to trial.


In November 2019, the Trump administration announced historic price transparency requirements aiming to increase competition and lower healthcare costs for all Americans.


The hospital industry argued that the rule wouldn’t help patients understand their out-of-pocket costs after the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services proposed the rule in 2019.


“We are disappointed in today’s decision in favor of the administration’s flawed proposal to mandate disclosure of privately negotiated rates,” the AHA said in a statement. “It also imposes significant burdens on hospitals at a time when resources are stretched thin and need to be devoted to patient care. Hospitals and health systems have consistently supported efforts to provide patients with information about the costs of their medical care. This is not the right way to achieve this important goal.”

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, noon No.9732745   🗄️.is 🔗kun

New Photos Show Aftermath Of Recent Israeli Airstrikes On Syria’s Hama


On June 24, Syrian pro-government news outlets shared photos showing the aftermath of the recent Israeli airstrikes on the central governorate of Hama.


The airstrikes, which took place in the early morning, targeted the following positions in the eastern and southeastern Hama countryside:


The onion factory near the town of al-Salamiyah;

The cultural center in the town of Sabburah;

The forage factory near the town of Aqarib;

A military position near the town of Ithriyah.


The airstrikes on Hama were the second wave of a large attack by the Israeli Air Force. The first wave targeted military positions in eastern al-Suwayda, eastern Homs and western Deir Ezzor.


The General Command of the Syrian Arab Army acknowledged that two service members were killed and two others were injured in the Israeli airstrikes. The newly released photos also confirm that heavy material damage was inflicted on the targeted sites.


The Israel attack, which targeted positions in four different Syrian governorates, was among the largest this year. The attack reportedly targeted positions hosting Iranian troops. This was likely another attempt to pressure Iran into pulling its troops out from Syria.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.9732774   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former ISRAELI PM named as SEX OFFENDER in Epstein court filings submitted by Dershowitz


Deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein directed his best-known accuser to have sex with former Israeli PM Ehud Barak, according to a sealed deposition – one of many papers lawyer Alan Dershowitz is trying to use to clear his own name.


Lawyers for Dershowitz, who was a friend of Epstein as well as a member of his legal defense team, released the claim about Barak in a Tuesday court filing, attempting to cast doubt on allegations made by accuser Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of the first Epstein victims to go public with her story.


NEW: Lawyer Alan Dershowitz, in his most recent court filing, reveals that former Israeli PM Ehud Barak is among a number of important men who have been accused by Giuffre as being part of Jeffrey Epstein's sex scheme. It's the first time Barak, an Epstein friend, has been named.

— julie k. brown (@jkbjournalist) June 23, 2020


Pointing to the “denials and disclaimers” issued by the powerful men Giuffre said she’d had sex with, they suggested her word had been “thoroughly discredited by her proven lies.” If their hope was to smear Giuffre, however, it didn’t quite go as planned, instead renewing media interest in the suspects named by the former Epstein “sex slave.”


Dershowitz’s legal team obtained the sealed deposition from a 2016 defamation suit Giuffre filed against Epstein’s alleged madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, his lawyer admitted in court on Tuesday. The document names not only Barak, but also Victoria’s Secret CEO Les Wexner, along with several others she had already accused publicly.


Howard Cooper, a lawyer for the embattled Harvard professor, urged a judge to turn over even more sealed documents from the Maxwell suit, insisting they were relevant to Dershowitz’s own defamation case against Giuffre, who has long claimed she was forced to have sex with Dershowitz as well (a claim he fervently denies). However, Giuffre’s lawyers argued against the move, concerned that her adversary’s legal team would take the information out of context and twist it for their purposes.


Lawyers for Maxwell actually agreed with Giuffre, reasoning there was little overlap between the two defamation cases (and presumably not wanting further details of Maxwell’s alleged crimes to emerge). Lawyers for a mysterious “John Doe” also concurred, citing the need to protect the privacy of others whose names have not yet been made public.


Barak dismissed the allegations against him in a statement to Israeli media on Wednesday, claiming his name was “inserted into the article in order to push aside the allegations against Dershowitz” and claiming he did not meet Epstein in 2002. Doe entered the Maxwell defamation case last year, filing a friend-of-the-court brief in an effort to keep Giuffre’s depositions private; he claims to be someone who has not yet been named publicly, and wants to stay that way, insisting for good measure that he has not had sex with Giuffre.


This is at odds with his previous statement that he was introduced to the disgraced financier that year. Former Israeli spy Ari Ben-Menashe has also claimed Epstein and Barak met even before 2002.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.9732786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2921

Russian Special Forces Neutralize Seven Turkish-Backed Militants In Southern Idlib


On June 24, a unit of the Russian Special Forces attacked a position of Turkish-backed Suqur al-Sham in southern Idlib, according to opposition sources.


Russian forces raided the position, which is located in the outskirt of the town of Benin, in the early hours of the morning. Suqur al-Sham claimed that its militants fought back. However, the results of the attack say otherwise.


Sources in Suqur al-Sham, a part of the so-called National Front for Liberation, revealed that four militants of the group were killed and three others were injured in the raid.


The slain militants were identified as Mohamad Ghandoura, Mahmoud Ghandoura, Abdu al-Qadir Ghandoura and Omar al-Na’is.


Opposition sources claimed that the Turkish military responded to the attack by shelling Syrian Arab Army positions in the outskirt of the city of Maarat al-Numan. However, these claims are yet to be verified.


This was the first operation by the Russian Special Forces since the signing of the March 5 agreement with Turkey. The attack was likely a response to recent violations by militants. Earlier this week, the militants attempted to target the Hmeimim Air Base in Lattakia with drones.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.9732818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3021

BLM and the Neoliberal Color Revolution in America


Neoliberal Democrats exploit BLM to get Biden elected.



“The protests, riots, violent and non-violent actions sweeping across the United States since May 25, including an assault on the gates of the White House, begin to make sense when we understand the CIA’s Color Revolution playbook,” writes economic researcher, historian, and freelance journalist F. William Engdahl.


Engdahl then breaks down the connections between Black Lives Matter, socialist organizations, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation (as previously noted, a CIA front organization), the Foundation to Promote Open Society, Borealis Philanthropy, the Kellogg Foundation, Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, and the Heinz Foundation (John Kerry).


Following the murder of George Floyd, “major corporations such as Apple, Disney, Nike and hundreds others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a Democrat President Biden.”



“The protests, riots, violent and non-violent actions sweeping across the United States since May 25, including an assault on the gates of the White House, begin to make sense when we understand the CIA’s Color Revolution playbook,” writes economic researcher, historian, and freelance journalist F. William Engdahl.


Engdahl then breaks down the connections between Black Lives Matter, socialist organizations, George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation (as previously noted, a CIA front organization), the Foundation to Promote Open Society, Borealis Philanthropy, the Kellogg Foundation, Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, and the Heinz Foundation (John Kerry).


Following the murder of George Floyd, “major corporations such as Apple, Disney, Nike and hundreds others may be pouring untold and unaccounted millions into ActBlue under the name of Black Lives Matter, funds that in fact can go to fund the election of a Democrat President Biden.”


BLM is part of the Movement for Black Lives Coalition (M4BL), a cutout created by the Ford Foundation, in other words, the CIA. It has called for “defunding police departments, race-based reparations, voting rights for illegal immigrants, fossil-fuel divestment, an end to private education and charter schools, a universal basic income, and free college for blacks,” according to its website.


As Engdahl points out, B4BL and BLM are Democrat-dominated operations. They receive money from ActBlue Charities, a “progressive” organization in support of the Joe Biden campaign. “ActBlue is a pass-through organization and service for donations to left-of-center nonprofits and PACs,” notes InfluenceWatch.


B4BL takes money from Google (also linked to the CIA) and a host of labor unions, including the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, and the AFL-CIO Committee on Political Education.


An article posted back in 2009 by Human Events states that despite “its stripped-down appearance, ActBlue is frothing with the elitist pretension characteristic of the modern Left. The hip tenets of ‘grassroots’ campaigning, highbrow blathering and self-possessed pseudo-coolness seep through the slogans, descriptions and thematics of the [ActBlue] website.”


As Engdahl points out, the “role of tax-exempt foundations tied to the fortunes of the greatest industrial and financial companies such as Rockefeller, Ford, Kellogg, Hewlett and Soros says that there is a far deeper and far more sinister agenda to current disturbances than spontaneous outrage would suggest.”

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:10 p.m. No.9732877   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3055

House hearing explodes as Dems, witnesses accuse Barr of choosing politics over justice


A House Judiciary Committee hearing focused on oversight of the Department of Justice was marked by searing accusations and explosive interruptions from the very beginning, as Democrats and witnesses accused Attorney General Bill Barr and his agency of putting politics over the rule of law.


In his opening statement, Committee Chairman Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., excoriated Attorney General Bill Barr who was not at the hearing, but is set to testify next month accusing him of a “clear and dangerous pattern of conduct” of shielding President Trump’s associates and undermining cases stemming out of the Russia investigation.


Nadler cited the DOJ’s motion to dismiss Michael Flynn’s criminal case, but ranking member Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, pointed out in his opening statement that earlier in the day the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed that Flynn’s case should be dismissed and ordered Judge Emmet Sullivan to toss the case.


Jordan also defended Barr for speaking out against actions that took place under the Obama administration during the Russia probe. He noted that Nadler would not call DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz to testify before the committee after Horowitz wrote in a lengthy report that FBI officials made significant omissions and inaccurate representations to the FISA court in seeking a warrant to monitor a former Trump campaign adviser.


Nadler also brought up the DOJ’s sudden decision to recommend a lighter sentence than originally suggested for former Trump associate Roger Stone. Andrew Zelinsky, a prosecutor who resigned from the case after being overruled by DOJ superiors, testified at the hearing that the recommendation to go below the traditional sentencing guidelines was politically motivated.


“Roger Stone was treated differently because of politics,” Zelinsky said, adding, “I was told that the acting United States Attorney was giving Stone a break because he was afraid of the president of the United States.”


Stone, in February, was sentenced to three years in prison, after being convicted in November 2019 on seven counts of obstruction, witness tampering, and making false statements to Congress on charges that stemmed from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.


Federal prosecutors had recommended a prison sentence of 87 to 108 months for the charges, but in a reversal, senior leadership at the Justice Department, including Barr, overruled and scaled back their recommended prison sentence.


Zelinsky stated that he had no issue with the sentence itself, rather it was the process that bothered him and led him to leave his position.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.9732900   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Virginia History Professor Challenges Claim That Jefferson Designed ‘Serpentine Wall’ to Hide Slaves


UVA changed logo due to 'negative connotation between the serpentine walls and slavery'


A longtime architectural history professor at the University of Virginia is questioning the idea that the Thomas Jefferson-designed "serpentine wall" surrounding the university's lawn was built to hide slave labor, a claim made by activists who successfully pushed the school to remove a reference to the wall from its official logo.


Professor emeritus Richard Guy Wilson said that while the curved brick structures enclosed the professors’ gardens, where slaves likely worked, Jefferson did not intend for the walls to hide slaves from the public.


"I don’t think they were made for the explicit purpose of hiding slaves," Wilson told the Washington Free Beacon. "Not to say there weren't enslaved African Americans working there, but I don't think it was there to hide them away."


UVA's decision to remove the walls from its logo comes as historical structures and figures across the country are under attack by activists who have called for the removal of all statues of people—including those of presidents—who have ties to slavery. New York City council members have called for the removal of Jefferson's statue from New York's city hall because he was a slave owner. Other logos, such as Quaker Oats's Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup, are dropping their images and namesakes based on claims that the branding is based on racial stereotypes.


UVA came under fire last week for its new "V-sabres" logo, which was unveiled in April. Second-year student Lauren Cochran and assistant media studies professor Meredith Clark claimed the famous curved garden walls—depicted in the sabre handles’ ridged detailing—were used to conceal slaves and that the logos should be redesigned. Athletic director Carla Williams, who joined the school in 2017, said she decided to alter the logo after she was "made aware of the negative connotation between the serpentine walls and slavery."


Jefferson's serpentine wall design was influenced by gardens in Great Britain, where curved walls have been used for centuries to create strong barriers while saving on material. Unlike straight walls, serpentine walls can stand tall with only one layer of brick. The design allows gardeners more control over the sunlight plants receive. Jefferson's original design notes for the wall, housed at the university library, show he calculated the precise number of bricks he could avoid purchasing by opting for the serpentine style of wall.


Rather than being used to keep slaves out of sight, Wilson proposed the walls were built to keep rowdy students from wrecking the professor's gardens.


A spokesperson for the athletics department said Williams would not be making additional comments on the situation.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9732956   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Donald Trump calls 24-year-old Republican underdog to congratulate him on winning House primary - as it's revealed he was left paralyzed from waist down after car accident at 18


President Donald Trump called the paralyzed 24-year-old Republican candidate who won an upset primary victory Tuesday in the race for his chief of staff's House seat .

Madison Cawthorn beat real estate agent Lynda Bennett to win the Republican nomination for Mark Meadow's seat.

She had endorsements from Trump - who threw his support to her in a June 4 tweet - in addition to those of Meadows, Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Jim Jordan.

Trump also had recorded a robocall for Bennett and her loss ended his streak of Republican primary endorsements victories, which is something he has bragged about.

Cawthorn told MSNBC's 'Morning Joe' on Wednesday morning that Trump called him from Air Force One Tuesday night as the president was returning from a trip to Arizona.

'He congratulated me. He was talking about how amazing of a victory it was. He defined it as beautiful, you know. Just talking about how impressive it was that we were able to overcome just so many large obstacles that we did,' Cawthorn said.

'I believe, you know, the president recognized that we ran a campaign that was very difficult to beat and also that we are someone who can really help ease this partisan divide that's going on in our country right now and help bring a lot of our voters together,' he said.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:14 p.m. No.9732963   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gary Peters Falsely Claims He ‘Never Voted Against a Pay Raise for Service Members’


Michigan senator voted against pay hikes six times


Michigan Democratic senator Gary Peters told supporters he "never voted against a pay raise for service members." He's voted against such pay raises on at least six occasions.


"I've never voted against a pay raise for service members," Peters said at a June 16 virtual fundraiser. "Taking care of veterans is important to me and to make sure we have a strong military is important."


Peters, however, voted against pay raises for service members six times from 2015 to 2016. He voted three times in 2015 and another three times in 2016 to block Defense Department funding bills that would have raised service members' pay by 2.3 percent and 2.1 percent, respectively. The 2016 bill Peters voted against passed the Senate Appropriations Committee unanimously and was praised as "bipartisan" by Wisconsin Democratic senator Tammy Baldwin.


"I especially appreciate that this bill conforms to the bipartisan budget agreement and refrains from gimmicks that not only shortchange non-defense priorities, but also our military," Baldwin said at the time. "This bill responsibly addresses the readiness and well-being of our troops and our national defense requirements."


Peters's 2016 vote was part of a Democratic filibuster that Senate Republicans said undermined U.S. national security.


"It's also hard to explain why—despite the array of terror attacks we've seen across the world—Senate Democrats decided to block a bill that could help keep the American people safer from threats like ISIL," Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said.


Peters, who did not respond to a request for comment, is backed by VoteVets, a liberal dark money group that pledged to spend millions to elect Democrats in key 2020 Senate races. VoteVets has faced numerous allegations of campaign finance violations, and Peters was accused of illegally coordinating with the group in December. VoteVets has spent nearly $1.5 million on ads supporting Peters.


VoteVets did not respond to a request for comment.


Peters's claim at the virtual fundraiser came in response to an ad released by the National Republican Senatorial Committee on June 10. The ad contrasts Peters's repeated votes against military pay raises with the nearly $200,000 the Democrat has taken from pharmaceutical companies.


Peters is facing a challenge from Republican John James, who has outraised the first-term senator for three consecutive quarters. The pair will face off in November.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:17 p.m. No.9733022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3040 >>3111 >>3198

De Blasio Considers Laying Off 22,000 NYC Employees


American cities face an imminent fiscal reckoning of apocalyptic proportions.


New York City is expected to suffer a sharp decline in tax revenues, resulting in Mayor Bill de Blasio to consider laying off tens of thousands of city employees.


De Blasio is mulling over a new plan that would cut 22,000 city employees to save the city upwards of $1 billion in expenses after virus-related lockdowns led to a decline in revenue, reported Bloomberg.


"De Blasio presented a $95 billion budget in February. That was reduced to about $89 billion in April after the coronavirus outbreak. On Wednesday, he said the budget must be pared down to $87 billion, and the city needed to find about $1 billion more in savings. The city may have to lay off workers, de Blasio said, if the city doesn't get fiscal aid from Washington or state authority to borrow $7 billion." - Bloomberg


Budget shortfalls are forcing New York City and other municipalities across the country to cut jobs and spending, similar to what was done around the 2008 financial crisis when local austerity stymied an economic recovery.


De Blasio has already pledged for the first time to slash the New York Police Department's funding for the next fiscal year, following weeks of social unrest and mounting demands that he overhaul the department.


“We’re committed to seeing a shift of funding to youth services, to social services, that will happen literally in the course of the next three weeks, but I’m not going to go into detail because it is subject to negotiation and we want to figure out what makes sense,” de Blasio said in early June.


De Blasio, searching for ways to trim down the budget, is likely to target public service jobs. Now it remains to be seen if he'll cut New York's bravest, that are police and firefighter jobs…

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:19 p.m. No.9733053   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“I Just Wanted to Say to You Thanks for All You Do” – AUDIO: General Michael Flynn Calls into Rush Limbaugh After DC Appeals Court Drops Its Case


Earlier today the case against General Michael Flynn was dismissed!


The ruling is only “partially” for General Michael Flynn as the appeals court ordered:


Judge Emmet Sullivan to dismiss the case


—Gleeson’s appointment as “amicus” immediately “vacated”. Bye Felicia!


On Wednesday afternoon General Flynn joined the great Rush Limbaugh on his radio program.


General Flynn thanked Rush Limbaugh for his unwavering support.


User M3THODS posted the audio.

Anonymous ID: 59236f June 24, 2020, 12:29 p.m. No.9733184   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"In QAnon forums, it is hard to overlook the holy mess of logical fallacies and contradictions. Its adherents link the MI6, Facebook and the Rothschilds to the Vatican, Hollywood, the Nazis, the Illuminati and aliens in order to explain that climate change is a hoax, the Holocaust never happened, the world is run by paedophiles, Satanists and cannibals and that the Queen is a direct descendent of prophet Mohammed. And yet this virtual cosmos of absurd stories can inspire real-world incidents: just last month, a QAnon supporter killed his brother, whom he thought was a lizard. “Can me and my pals Raid MI6 DVD & GO2 Offices in London ourselves please”, another QAnon believer suggested in a private messaging app."