Anonymous ID: 3ce27e June 24, 2020, 1:01 p.m. No.9733548   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3597


>This has never been attempted.


>Use of general public to counter the narrative [propaganda] push by controlled media.


>MIL-CIV Alliance.



It would be the first time the MILINT would work to produce partisan propaganda for one party, against the other party because it is generally understood that the active duty officers are banned from involving in party politics, also the active duty officers are not supposed to be discriminatory or partial when it comes to religious matters, when Q clearly pushes anti-Islam and anti-Catholic views.


But there is a whole industry for the pro-military propaganda, the so called Military-Entertainment Complex -- many anon has got his pro-Military attitudes from the joint Hollywood-Pentagon movies, there have been hundreds of them.


And then there is also gaming industry producing pro-US military games ... if memory serves some good gamers might get jobs as pilots in the CIA drone assassination programs.