Anonymous ID: 1ed617 June 24, 2020, 2:32 p.m. No.9734525   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Doesn't matter if Pasqual is canned or not. Not even worth the hassle to buy him a bus ticket out of town.

The past weeks' riots almost ensured Potus being re-elected (97%).

Fuck a Wisconsin poll or any other polls today. People lying to not be labeled.

Most of us are 'down for the struggle' but certainly not when it includes being called a racist for honoring the National Anthem.

Fucking fuck fuck you!


a. Hammer fucking Ukraine. Explain it. The only reason crazy ass Liz is not the nominee is because she couldn't explain simple math regarding health care savings exceeding higher taxes for middle-class. And, of course, the wealth tax proposal that put every lefty billionaire's panties up their cracks. She was done within a few weeks after that.

b. Don't fight the alleged Xi blowjobs in the book by responding. Spend and temporarily subsidize the building up of critical industries upon which we all learned that the US relies on China. Start with pharmaceutical, chemical and tech component plants.

A 'Manufacturing Renaissance' with specifics.

c. Sign the $3t House bill. The Senate should pass it 100-0 to ensure Reps keep control of the chamber. Political suicide to not sign it. Besides, we're already fucked anyway with the unsustainable debt on the other side.

d. Please stop talking about how quickly the economy is going to recover. That's bullshit. It is not. This is a ten-twenty year chasm that presents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for America to recover its manufacturing industries whored out over the past forty years, beginning with the fucking maquiladoras and (hopefully) ending somewhere in fucking Vietnam farmed out by the evil Chinee for God's sake.