Anonymous ID: 2fe5bd June 24, 2020, 4:06 p.m. No.9735614   🗄️.is 🔗kun



FBI did not question Flynn about sanctions. He did not lie about that as he provided no answer to an unasked question.


Instead, he was questioned about expulsions of some Russian reps and Flynn answered truthfully.


In actuality, there was not even a process crime. The trap was not set and it was not sprung. Prosecutors pulled the accusation out of their arses and shined it up to their own discredit.


These Deep State actors have exhausted their options - bluff has been called in. Their ranks depleted despite their stalling for time. Depleted in ranks and in firepower. They have shot their bolt and are now stonkered, defeated, stupefied by each other's trips, falls, misses, and wild swings.


Knock out? White flag? Truce or unconditional surrender? What has been their cost in attrition? Desperation breeds broken discipline within their ranks.


When they undertook the Flynn case, they were done in 30.


-30- has been traditionally used by journalists in North America to indicate the end of a story or article that is submitted for editing and typesetting. It is commonly employed when writing on deadline and sending bits of the story at a time, via telegraphy, teletype, electronic transmission, or paper copy, as a necessary way to indicate the end of the article.[1] It is also found at the end of press releases.