Anonymous ID: 12cc70 June 24, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.9735779   🗄️.is 🔗kun

“I don’t want my kids growing up in a jungle”

-Joe Biden


If Joe Biden was a statue, would they tear him down? He supported Jim Crow and segregation laws.


“We must bring them to heel”

-Hillary Clinton, an avid supporter of Margaret Sanger and her black eugenics program, HRC was also close personal friend with a KKK grand cyclops. Would the left tear down her statue because of her racist stances?


Nancy Pelosi gave the Eulogy at the same KKK members funeral, would the left tear down her statue for supporting the KKK?


How many leaders on the left today, will fit the bill of having a statue pulled down due to their links with racism? How many people on the left will realize that the “systemic racism” has been championed by those on the left?


But now, they are expected to solve racism?


Tear down THEIR statues. Tear down THEUR legacies and see the hypocrisy.