Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:13 p.m. No.9735686   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889 >>5993 >>6224 >>6356 >>6403

Georgia grand jury indicts three men for murder in connection with the death of Ahmaud Arbery


Now face nine charges


A grand jury in Georgia has indicted three men in connection with the February shooting death of Ahmaud Arbery. All three men now face charges for felony murder and aggravated assault in a case that garnered national attention thanks largely to the cellphone video taken by the men who were involved in Arbery's shooting.


According to ABC News, Cobb District Attorney Joyette M. Holmes announced the result of the grand jury's vote on Wednesday.


According to Holmes, "The presentation took an hour and a half and the true bill came back in 10 minutes." The grand jury's decision means that Gregory McMichael, Travis McMichael, and William Bryan each now face nine charges, including malice murder, four counts of felony murder, two counts of aggravated assault, false imprisonment and criminal contempt to commit a felony.


Arbery was shot and killed by Travis McMichael on Feb. 23 in an incident that involved McMichael's father, Gregory, a retired police officer, and family friend William Bryan. On that night, Gregory McMichael spotted Arbery in a vacant construction site and believed that he was a person responsible for committing several break-ins in their neighborhood.


Gregory alerted Travis and the two grabbed their guns and began following Arbery, who was out jogging, in a white pickup truck. The pair called Bryan, who joined the chase and filmed a substantial portion of it on his cellphone.


Ultimately, the McMichaels caught and confronted Arbery, who struggled with them until Travis fired three gunshots at Arbery, who later died.


Local police were initially unwilling to pursue charges against the three men, apparently believing their claims of self-defense, until the video taken by Bryan was posted on social media on May 5, igniting a national firestorm. In response to widespread criticism of the local police's actions in the case, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation assumed control of the investigation into the shooting, and ultimately arrested all three men.


Arbery's death, and the supposed bungling of the investigation into the McMichaels by the local police, was at least part of the impetus for the civil unrest that has rocked the nation for the last several weeks. Protesters have often called for justice for Arbery, as well as for other alleged victims of police violence or indifference, including George Floyd in Minneapolis and Breonna Taylor in Louisville, Kentucky.

Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:16 p.m. No.9735711   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5716 >>5728 >>5737 >>6124

Caesars Will Require Everyone At Its Properties To Wear Masks At All Times Except When Eating Or Drinking


LAS VEGAS — Caesars Entertainment Corporation (NASDAQ: CZR) (“Caesars”, “Caesars Entertainment” or the “Company”) today announced that everyone indoors at its properties across the Caesars network will be required to wear masks at all times, except when eating or drinking. The updated mask policy becomes effective on June 24, 2020 at 12 p.m. Pacific Time and applies to all employees, vendors, contractors, guests and passersby in properties. Previously, all employees plus guests at table games were required to wear masks at Caesars properties.


“We promised that Caesars would continue to evaluate the latest recommendations, directives and medical science regarding the COVID-19 public health emergency and modify our enhanced health and safety protocols accordingly,” said Tony Rodio, CEO of Caesars Entertainment. “As a result, we are immediately requiring everyone in our properties to wear masks, because the scientific evidence strongly suggests that wearing masks and practicing social distancing may be the most important deterrents to spreading COVID-19 from person to person,” he added.


Anyone who refuses to wear a mask, after being asked, will be directed to leave the property.


The universal mask requirement will apply to all of Caesars businesses currently open in Louisiana, Mississippi, Iowa, Missouri, Nevada, and Indiana, as well as tribal properties in Arizona, California and North Carolina. The mask requirement will also apply to additional Caesars properties as they reopen in Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Illinois and Ontario.

Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:19 p.m. No.9735727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6032

Drone Strike Eliminates Unidentified Individuals In Syria’s Idlib


On June 24, a mysterious drone strike eliminated a number of unidentified individuals in the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.


The individuals were traveling on the road between Idlib city and the town of Binnish when their vehicle was targeted by a combat drone. Opposition source claimed that the U.S. was behind the strike. This is yet to be verified.


The airstrike completely destroyed the vehicle. The bodies of the individuals who were aboard it burned, along with any documents that could have helped identify them.


Some activists claimed that commanders of al-Qaeda-affiliated Ansar al-Tawhid were inside the targeted the vehicle, while others said the strike targeted the leader of Horas al-Din.


Ten days ago, a U.S. drone strike allegedly eliminated Qassam al-Urduni and Bilal al-Sanani, two senior commanders of Horas al-Din.


The recent drone strikes on Greater Idlib led to tensions between terrorist groups there, especially between Horas al-Din and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham. Some radicals are accusing the latter of collaborating with the U.S. as its leaders not getting targeted.

Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:24 p.m. No.9735786   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5865

“Greater Israel” in the Making: Netanyahu Regime’s Illegal Annexation Scheme Nears Implementation


Trump’s unlawful Deal of the Century scheme green-lighted Israeli annexation of illegally established settlements on stolen Palestinian land and the Jordan Valley.


Netanyahu earlier vowed to press ahead with annexation.


Reportedly on or around July 1, he’ll initially announce the annexation of what the Times of Israel called “three West Bank (settlement) blocs,” not the Jordan Valley for now, adding:


“Well-placed sources told The Times of Israel last week that the joint mapping committee tasked with delineating the contours of the annexation move still had weeks if not months of work, and the IDF has not been told precisely what Netanyahu has in mind.”


For starters, Ma’ale Adumim, Ariel and Gush Etzion, three large settlements, will be annexed in the coming days, ruling coalition partner Benny Gantz reportedly going along with what’s clearly a flagrant breach of international law.


According to the broadsheet, there’s “relative consensus, domestically and in Washington,” to making the move.


Or is there? The Times of Israel added the following:


“The US initially said it would recognize annexation immediately, but subsequently appears to have at the very least tempered its enthusiasm for the controversial move before the joint mapping committee can complete its work.”


“The (Trump regime) is highly unlikely to approve an Israeli move to unilaterally annex parts of the West Bank by the July 1 date envisioned by Netanyahu,” according to an unnamed “well-placed source.”


Annexation of historic Palestinian land in whole or in part will formally end the two-state illusion — what long ago was possible, clearly not now.


Trump regime hardliners are on board with the most extremist of Netanyahu regime policies — time and again blaming victims of US/NATO/Israeli high crimes for what’s committed against them.


At most, Trump and Pompeo et al may only press Netanyahu to slow, not abandon, illegal annexation of Palestinian land.


It’s highly unlikely that Biden will soften US policy toward long-suffering Palestinians if he succeeds Trump in January.


Throughout his time as US senator and vice president, he one-sidedly supported Israel, including three preemptive wars on Gaza based on Big Lies.


On June 16 at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC), the Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and four Palestinian human rights groups discussed the illegality of Israel’s annexation scheme.


They warned that it’ll “normalize Israel’s colonial project and amounts to apartheid via the continued expansion and construction of illegal settlements, displacement and dispossession of Palestinians, and demographic manipulation,” adding:


“The Israeli plan would further entrench racial, ethnic, and religious segregation as a legal norm, and Israel will formally establish itself as the sole sovereign regime over the Palestinian people in historic Palestine.”


On the same day, 47 UN special rapporteurs denounced the annexation scheme as “a vision of 21st century apartheid.”


The only way to gain power was to be Israel's man watched over by the son in law!

Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:29 p.m. No.9735833   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889 >>5993 >>6224 >>6356 >>6403

Explosive New FBI Notes Confirm Obama Directed Anti-Flynn Operation


Handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok show that Obama himself directed key aspects of the campaign to target Flynn during a Jan. 5, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office.


Newly released notes confirm President Barack Obama’s key role in surveillance and leak operation against Michael Flynn, the incoming Trump administration national security adviser. The handwritten notes, which were first disclosed in a federal court filing made by the Department of Justice on Tuesday, show President Obama himself personally directed former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates to investigate Flynn for having routine phone calls with a Russian counterpart. He also suggests they withhold information from President Trump and his key national security figures.


The handwritten notes from fired former FBI agent Peter Strzok appear to describe a Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting between Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, Comey, Yates, and then-national security adviser Susan Rice. The meeting and its substance were confirmed in a bizarre Inauguration Day email Rice wrote to herself.


It was at this meeting, which was confirmed by testimony from Comey and Yates, that Obama gave guidance to key officials who would be tasked with protecting his administration’s utilization of secretly funded Clinton campaign research, which alleged Trump was involved in a treasonous plot to collude with Russia, from being discovered or stopped by the incoming administration.


Yates told the special counsel that Obama broke the news of Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak to her during the Jan. 5 meeting. Yates detailed further involvement from Obama. “President Obama said he wants to be sure that, as we engage with the incoming team, we are mindful to ascertain if there is any reason that we cannot share information fully as it relates to Russia,” she wrote in her email.


The new notes, which record Comey’s accounting to Strzok of the meeting’s substance, constitute definitive evidence that Obama himself was personally directing significant aspects of a criminal investigation into his political enemy’s top foreign policy adviser. An image of the notes is reproduced below. This is a rough transcript of the unredacted portion of the notes:


NSA-D-DAG = [Flynn cuts?]. Other countries


D-DAG: lean forward on [unclass?]


VP: “Logan Act”


P: These are unusual times


VP: I’ve been on the intel cmte for ten years and I never


P: Make sure you look at things + have the right people on it


P: Is there anything I shouldn’t be telling transition team?


D: Flynn –Kislyak calls but appear legit


[illegible] Happy New Year. Yeah right

Anonymous ID: 6e1c8f June 24, 2020, 4:31 p.m. No.9735848   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5889 >>5993 >>6224 >>6356 >>6403

The irony of the no-cop CHOP: It showed how much we still need the police after all


After the shootings in the past few days near the Capitol Hill anti-police protest zone, the call went out, paradoxically, for the help of the one thing the protest is most arguing against.


“Our movement should demand and insist that the Seattle Police fully investigate this attack and be held accountable to bring the killer(s) to justice,” said Seattle City Councilmember Kshama Sawant in a statement. One paragraph later she re-upped her demand, however, to “defund” these same police.


It wasn’t just Sawant with the suddenly mixed message. City Councilmember Teresa Mosqueda noted in a Monday meeting that “we want to make sure that firefighters and EMT have access to do their jobs and help those that need it.”


That seems noncontroversial — except how do we think ambulances get access to often volatile crime scenes? Who typically does that work of securing shooting scenes, so that aid workers can move in?


Even the protesters, who in a statement said they took two shooting victims to the hospital because Seattle police and fire were too slow in getting there, seemed to tacitly acknowledge the limits of a “no-cop” zone.


“We as safety teams are peacekeepers, not police,” read the unsigned statement from the CHOP, or Capitol Hill Organized Protest. “We do not want to be homicide detectives, or CSI, or accessories to this murder.”


This is the irony of CHOP, a few-block occupation of Capitol Hill formed in protest of structural and overt racial bias in police enforcement. The protest has a beautiful spirit, by day anyway, of a mass teach-in and self-governing colony seeking to reimagine a city without militarized, domineering police. Its core demands are simple enough to be printed on the street blockades. “1. Defund SPD by 50% Now. 2. Fund Black communities. 3. Free all protesters.”


But now with three shootings in the past three nights in the immediate vicinity, the CHOP has ended up demonstrating the reverse of its no-cop Utopian goal. It turns out we still need those homicide detectives and the CSI and probably much of whatever else was going on in that boarded-up East Precinct.


“We can police ourselves!” a man was still insisting in one of the CHOP’s intersections on Tuesday when I stopped by.