Anonymous ID: 4296c1 June 24, 2020, 6:18 p.m. No.9737016   🗄️.is 🔗kun


[problem] Minorities complain - not enough minority representation in LE

[reaction] We'll hire more minority LE

[solution] More minority LE hires. LE reflects community.



[problem] White Normie Snowflakes complain - Minorities in LE

[reaction] Discourage Minority LE

[solution] White Normie Snowflakes confront Minority LE on the streets and shame them for joining LE


Marxists thrive on chaos.

They follow a philosophy from a man who didn't like to bathe and was covered in sores; a man who hardly earned a dime in his life and lived off the largess of a daisy chain of foolish benefactors and a catalog of unpaid debts. Ironically, a philosophy which says you should get more than you deserve at the expense of those who get less than they earn.


Beware the disorganized mind.