Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:37 p.m. No.9737244   🗄️.is 🔗kun

‘Not Going to Happen’ — Donald Trump Vows to Protect Statues of Jesus Christ from Leftist Mobs



President Donald Trump on Wednesday at the White House vowed to protect statues of Jesus Christ and statues of the Founding Fathers in the United States from leftist mobs seeking their destruction.


“They’re looking at Jesus Christ. They’re looking at George Washington. They’re looking Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson. Not going to happen,” Trump said. “Not going to happen as long as I’m here.”


Activist Shaun King demanded Monday that some statues of Jesus and his mother Mary be torn down because they were “a form of white supremacy.”


Trump spoke about statues and monuments during a joint press conference at the White House with Polish President Andrzej Duda.


Duda also weighed in on the controversy, noting that the statue of Polish-US hero Tadeusz Kościuszko in Lafayette Square was vandalized by leftist mobs.


“That was outrageous for a big number of Polish people,” Trump said.


The president previewed an executive order that would streamline and consolidate existing laws to protect monuments at the end of the week. Trump cited the Veterans’ Memorial Preservation Act that already allows for up to ten years in prison for attacking a monument to America’s veterans.


“Ten years is a long time to have fun one night,” he said.


Trump again said that the violent mobs appeared clueless about why they wanted the statues destroyed.


“I think many of the people that are knocking down these statues don’t even have any idea what the statue is, what it means, who it is,” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:40 p.m. No.9737266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7490 >>7789 >>7845

Statement from Assistant Attorney General Beth A. Williams on the Senate’s Confirmation of 200 Judges

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:41 p.m. No.9737279   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7322 >>7441 >>7469 >>7789 >>7845

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio plans 'Black Lives Matter' mural in front of Trump Tower




New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) has plans in the works for taxpayers to foot the bill for the words "Black Lives Matter" to be painted in the street in front of President Donald Trump's Trump Tower in the Big Apple.


The New York Post reported that de Blasio's BLM mural "will be painted in yellow block letters along Fifth Avenue" outside the famed building owned by the president, inspired by the "Black Lives Matter" mural leading to the White House that was commissioned by Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Browser (D) earlier this month.


One source told The Post, "Obviously (de Blasio) is doing it to antagonize the president. This is what he is concerned about while the city burns. What an amateur politician."


According to the New York Daily News, a spokeswoman for de Blasio issued a statement on his mural plans, saying, "The president is a disgrace to the values we cherish in New York City. He can't run or deny the reality we are facing, and any time he wants to set foot in the place he claims is his hometown, he should be reminded Black Lives Matter."


Anything else?


The reports of the mural came the same day de Blasio announced that the jobs of tens of thousands of New York City employees are on the chopping block due to budget shortfalls stemming from the COVID-19 crisis.


Fox News reported that "during a news conference Wednesday, de Blasio said the city is facing $9 billion in lost revenue, with a possibility that losses could end up actually being much higher." He said 22,000 municipal employees could be laid off to bridge the gap.

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:42 p.m. No.9737298   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7469 >>7489 >>7519 >>7789 >>7845

Planned Parenthood: Free Birth Control to Counter ‘Systemic Racism’


Planned Parenthood has launched a new campaign that urges American businesses to pledge free birth control coverage in employee health insurance plans to counter “systemic racism” and ensure black people enjoy “reproductive freedom.”


In a press release Tuesday, Planned Parenthood announced the launching of its Business for Birth Control 2020 campaign, in which the abortion business is calling upon national companies to pledge birth control is “essential” to women’s health care.


In the announcement of its new campaign, Planned Parenthood continued its narrative that it is acting “as the country grapples with the dual public health crises of systemic racism and the COVID-19 pandemic.”


The group claims “systemic racism” has made it difficult for black individuals to obtain birth control and enjoy “reproductive freedom.”


Planned Parenthood said its “Wall Street Journal advertisement and posts” on the social media sites of businesses that align with them “will ensure the message reaches tens of millions of people.”


In a statement to Breitbart News, Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood manager who became a pro-life activist, said the Business for Birth Control campaign is another attempt by Planned Parenthood to enrich itself.


“Many women who become pregnant and seek abortions were already on some form of birth control,” Johnson said. She asked:


And who do they go to for abortions? Planned Parenthood, who performs more than a third of all abortions done in this country. They claim to want to partner with companies to provide free birth control, yet when it fails, they get more customers and hence, more opportunities to line their pockets. It’s a vicious cycle and one that these companies are now a part of.


Alexis McGill Johnson, Planned Parenthood’s acting CEO, said free birth control is “under constant threat” in the nation and employers should “invest” in their employees’ health.


Leftwing groups such as Planned Parenthood have enjoyed Obamacare’s declaration of birth control as an “essential preventive service,” rather than a personal choice for sexually active people. This feature of the health reform law involved most employers in the sexual choices of their employees.


Amid the coronavirus pandemic in America, Planned Parenthood has insisted its surgical abortions are “essential” services and must continue, even as dental, colonoscopy, orthopedic, and radiology services were deemed “nonessential” and patients were required to postpone potentially life-saving screenings. The abortion chain dismissed concerns it was using up scarce personal protective equipment to perform abortions that healthcare providers needed to care for patients stricken by the coronavirus infection and sued states that deemed abortions “nonessential.”

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:49 p.m. No.9737383   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7525 >>7789 >>7845

The US Navy Officially Becomes a Prison for Sailors


Active duty member of the United States Navy, speaking on condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation, told The Gateway Pundit that mass desertions are possible unless the Navy relents on draconian restrictions quietly promulgated in the past week.


Using Coronavirus as an excuse, the US Navy has, effectively, confined all sailors to their barracks or bases for the foreseeable future.


No church, no pools, no gyms, no restaurants, no sports, no movies!


This hysterical lockdown is an outrage that should infuriate every veteran of the US armed forces.

Among the Navy’s new restrictions:


• Sailors may not attend indoor religious services

• Sailors may not visit gyms, pools, fitness facilities, exercise classes, saunas, spas, or salons

• Sailors may not visit tattoo/piercing, or body art parlors

• Sailors may not visit barbershops, hair or nail salons, or massage parlors

• Sailors may not visit cinemas or theaters

• Sailors may not participate in team sports or any organized sports

• Sailors may not visit



o Restaurants (except for take-out)

o Bars

o Night clubs

o Casinos

o Conferences

o Sporting events

o Concerts

o Public celebrations

o Parades

o Public beaches

o Amusement parks

o Any event designed to attract large numbers of people


• Sailors may not visit outdoor recreation facilities where common-use facilities are used (assuming this means public restrooms)

• Sailors may not visit commercial retail establishments or shopping malls


In other words, sailors may not do anything.


The average age of a member of the Navy is somewhere in the 20s. For those in their 20s, the risk of death or severe complications from Coronavirus is less than 0.1%. Even among those who contract the disease.


This Navy policy seems intended to drive sailors out of the Navy rather than to protect them. As a 10-year Navy veteran, I have never been more disappointed in a branch of the US armed forces. I see this as a complete capitulation to China and, possibly, a flag-level mutiny.


Here are the regulations, verbatim:

















Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:51 p.m. No.9737411   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7789 >>7845 >>7937

FBI Director Wray Refuses to Answer When Asked if He Was Personally Responsible For Hiding Exculpatory Evidence From Flynn


FBI Director Christopher Wray sat down with Fox News political anchor Bret Baier in a wide-ranging interview that aired Wednesday evening.


Bret Baier asked Wray if he was personally responsible for hiding exculpatory evidence from General Flynn and Congress.


Wray danced around the question and refused to answer.


Very telling.


“Were you responsible for holding back from Congress some of that stuff?” Bret Baier asked Wray referring to documents exonerating Flynn.


“I think we’ve tried very, very hard to be transparent and cooperative with all the relevant congressional committees,” Wray said dodging the question.


FBI Director Chris Wray was previously accused of withholding evidence in the General Michael Flynn case.


FBI Attorney Dana Boente was also accused.


In April, the FBI denied Director Wray withheld exculpatory evidence in the Flynn case, but the FBI said nothing about Boente’s actions.


The Appeals Court on Wednesday upheld the Justice Department’s request to drop the criminal case against General Flynn.


Wray’s refusal to answer Bret Baier directly if he was personally responsible for withholding documents from Flynn’s case is very telling.

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:52 p.m. No.9737418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7789 >>7845

Border Patrol Expels 41K Migrants Under Coronavirus Protocols


U.S. Border Patrol agents expelled more than 41,000 migrants who illegally crossed since March 21 under Title 42 Coronavirus protection protocols. The expulsions followed the apprehension of more than 67,000 in March, April, and May.


“On March 21, 2020 the President, in accordance with Title 42 of the United States Code Section 265, determined that by reason of existence of COVID-19 in Mexico and Canada, there is a serious danger of the further introduction of COVID-19 into the United States; that prohibition on the introduction of persons or property, in whole or in part, from Mexico and Canada is required in the interest of public health,” U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials said in a written statement. “To help prevent the introduction of COVID-19 into border facilities and into the United States, persons subject to the order will not be held in congregate areas for processing and instead will immediately be expelled to their country of last transit.”


In April and May, Border Patrol agents apprehended 37,514 migrants who illegally crossed the border from Mexico, according to the CBP Southwest Border Migration Report. Under Title 42 authority, agents expelled 34,563 to Mexico. An additional 6,928 were expelled in the final 10 days of March.


Migrants apprehended by Border Patrol agents along the southwest border are medically screened and subjected to a criminal background investigation before being expelled to Mexico, Border Patrol officials previously told Breitbart Texas.


The impact of the Title 42 protocols on migrants being held in custody or released into the United States has been dramatic.


“CBP had more than 3,400 individuals in custody in early March and now averages around 100 at any given time because of this initiative and other travel restrictions,” officials told Breitbart Texas in response to an email inquiry. “For comparison, the daily average number of migrants in CBP custody was 20,000 at the peak of the migration crisis in 2019.”


“By processing in the field and quickly expelling individuals who cross illegally, we protect them, our agents, and the American public from potential exposure to COVID-19,” officials concluded.


Officials said the Title 42 authority “does not apply to persons who should be excepted based on considerations of law enforcement, officer and public safety, humanitarian, or public health interests.”


CBP officials told Breitbart that expulsions under Title 42 do not count as deportations or removal for purposes of prosecution. Migrants can re-enter and be re-expelled multiple times without facing prosecution for illegal re-entry after removal.

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:54 p.m. No.9737432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7789 >>7845

Obama Expresses Strange New Respect for George W. Bush


As we’re seeing all over the country, the left is rewriting history on the fly to rationalize the behavior of the angry mobs rioting and looting and destroying stuff. Now the big craze is tearing down statues in public places. Not just Confederate statues, either. Pretty much any metal object that looks like a life-sized human being is fair game. If a figure from American history was important enough to be immortalized in bronze, the left will find some reason to justify vandalizing it or even tearing it down.


But the people toppling these statues are amateurs. It doesn’t take any skill to destroy a historical artifact from centuries or even decades ago. The real challenge is rewriting history you lived through yourself!


And so it is with Barack Obama’s #strangenewrespect for George W. Bush. Here he is expressing it during a “virtual grassroots fundraiser” for his former vice president, who also happens to be the presidential candidate he can no longer avoid endorsing:


“My predecessor, who I disagreed with on a whole host of issues, uh… still had a basic regard for… the rule of law and the importance of… our institutions of democracy, uh… on the world stage. There was still a sense that America needed to lead, and that that leadership, uh… meant that as imperfect as we might be, uh, there were certain ideals and values that we were gonna aspire to and advance, and that we cared about human rights, and we cared about, uh… battling against, uh… the oppression of peoples in distant lands.


And that we tried to uphold, uh, both in our own country but around the world certain core principles around, uh… rule of law and, uh… the universal dignity of people, uh… and the need for us to, uh, provide assistance to, uh, those who are suffering either from natural catastrophes or because of underdevelopment. Uh, a sense that our alliances were important, uh, and that we should stand up for, uh, democracy and human rights.


And, and so as, as challenging as those times were, and as much of a slog as it was to, uh… yank the economy out of the economic crisis that was, that it was in, and in some ways things were tougher, uh… in terms of financial system than they are today. But there was still a sense of, of… of a shared American idea that we could build on. Uh, and… what we have seen over the last couple of years is, uh, a White House enabled… by, uh… Republicans in Congress and a media structure that supports them. Uh… that has… not just differed in terms of policy, but has gone at the very foundations of who… we are and who we should be. Uh… that suggests facts don’t matter. Science doesn’t matter.”


If you couldn’t sit through that whole thing, in summary: Trump makes Obama miss George W. Bush.


Can you believe this guy was ever lauded for his ability to speak publicly? Poor Joe. Just for fun, watch that again, but focus on Biden’s face as he pretends to listen to Obama’s interminable babbling. He looks like a dog patiently waiting to hear his own name.


Anyway. Obama giving George Bush even the faintest of praise, or at least a smidgen less vitriol than he spews at current Republicans, should be amusing to anybody who lived through the Obama administration without falling under his alleged charms. All this guy did for eight long years was blame Bush whenever something went wrong. The economy sucks? Bush did it. Terrorists are killing Americans? It was Bush’s fault. Obama stubbed his toe? Thanks, George W. Bush!


And after another presidential administration or two, all the libs currently screaming at Donald Trump will look back on him differently too. “Remember Trump? Don’t get me wrong, I hated his guts, but at least he wasn’t as bad as this clown!”


This is why, even as someone who stays in the station whenever the Trump Train goes by, I can’t take these guys seriously either. Obama has lied every time I’ve heard him open his mouth, and now he’s lying about how he treated George W. Bush. And Biden seems grateful for a quick nap while Obama drones on and on.


If you’ll excuse my language: What a couple of jerks!

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:56 p.m. No.9737454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7474 >>7592 >>7789 >>7845

LA County Sheriff to Increase Concealed Permit Issuance by 400 Percent


Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva revealed Wednesday his plans to increase the issuance of concealed carry permits by 400 percent.


Getting a concealed carry permit in L.A. County has been difficult in past years, regardless of the sheriff in charge.


On February 14, 2013, Breitbart News reported that the carry permits may have been disproportionately given to friends and donors of Sheriff Lee Baca.


LA Weekly noted that people securing the hard-to-come-by permits included:


Emerson Glazer: the son of the man who developed the Del Amo Fashion Center mall in Torrance, gave Baca “basketball tickets and gift baskets.”

Stan Shuster: the owner of a cigar room, gave Baca “shirts and golf balls.”

Michael Yamaki: “is among Baca’s best friends.”

George Chilingar: gave Baca $750 worth of Persian rugs.

Hollywood producer Arnold Kopelson: “gave Baca ballet tickets in 2004″

Singer James Darren: “gave Baca some CDs and a photograph.”

Jeweler Nagapet Boyadgian: “gave Baca a $500 contribution in 2010.”

Arthur Kassel: “hosted a birthday party for Baca.”


On December 26, 2017, Breitbart News reported that an audit by the California State Auditor showed there were only 197 concealed carry permit holders in Los Angeles county. At that time the county had a population of 10.2 million, and only 197 of those residents were permitted to carry a handgun for self-defense.


But in the current climate, where residents feel endangered in their neighborhoods and where rioters set fire to police vehicles in the street, Sheriff Villanueva is making clear he plans on increasing the issuance of concealed carry permits.


Fox LA’s Bill Melugin tweeted: “L.A. County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said he expects to begin increasing the amount of concealed carry permits he issues by as much as 400%. CCWs are notoriously difficult to obtain in LA.”

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 6:57 p.m. No.9737471   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7528 >>7577

Joe Biden Will Accept 2020 Democrat Presidential Nomination at ‘Virtual’ Convention in Milwaukee, Delegates to Stay Home


Joe Biden will accept the Democrat nomination in August in a ‘virtual’ convention in Milwaukee.


The delegates were told to stay home over Coronavirus concerns.


“After consulting with public health officials about the COVID-19 pandemic, convention organizers are announcing today that they have determined state delegations should not plan to travel to Milwaukee and should plan to conduct their official convention business remotely,” the DNC said in a statement.


NBC News reported:


Former Vice President Joe Biden will accept the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination at a nearly all-virtual convention in Milwaukee this August, but delegates were told to stay home because of health concerns, the Democratic National Committee said on Wednesday.


Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, a Democrat, had already signaled in May that party would likely host a virtual convention amid the coronavirus pandemic as to not put “stress on the public health system, nor put the delegates and others that come to the convention in harm’s way.”


he committee said in its statement that convention planners said Milwaukee will “anchor” four events for the week of the convention, which is slated for Aug. 17-20. It will include live virtual broadcasts from Milwaukee and other satellite locations across the country.


At the convention, Democrats will officially nominate Biden as the Democratic nominee for president.


Joe Biden has been hiding in his Delaware basement since March, save for a few outings.


20 people (including media) attended Biden’s last ‘event’ in Darby, Pennsylvania.

Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 7:16 p.m. No.9737699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7773 >>7789 >>7845

Look what the greatest ally is up to


Vaccine alliance capable of producing 4 bln. coronavirus vaccine doses


The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)plans to have two or three manufacturing plants for each vaccine, capable of producing 4 billion doses a year.


An influential foundation focused on preparation and response to epidemics that is backing nine potential coronavirus vaccines has identified manufacturers with capacity to produce four billion doses a year, the group's top manufacturing expert told Reuters.


The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI)plans to have two or three manufacturing plants for each vaccine, James Robinson, a longtime biopharma executive leading CEPI'S vast manufacturing push, said in an interview.


"Right now, we know we can do the two billion doses that we have as our kind of our minimum target" by the end of 2021, he said.

The group is planning for eight to 10 regional distribution sites "so that we don't have to make everything centrally and try and ship it around the world," he said.


Even with no existing approved vaccines, CEPI is already getting manufacturing and supply chains lined up in a quest to ensure coronavirus vaccines are distributed equitably around the globe.


The Oslo, Norway-based group is backed by 14 governments, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Britain's Wellcome Trust.

CEPI has deployed up to $829 million so far in the search for a COVID-19 vaccine through partnerships with nine developers, with the hope that at least some will be successful.

They are Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc, the University of Queensland with CSL Ltd, CureVac, Moderna Inc with U.S. government backing, Novavax Inc, the University of Oxford with AstraZeneca, Clover Biopharmaceuticals, the University of Hong Kong, and a consortium led by Institut Pasteur and including the

University of Pittsburgh and Themis Bioscience, which was recently purchased by Merck & Co.

Robinson said CEPI has taken initial steps toward securing manufacturing capacity with more than 200 biopharma or sterile vaccine production companies.


"Most people don't believe that four billion is possible. I do," he said.


Robinson, a manufacturing consultant who has worked at some of the world's biggest vaccine companies including Sanofi and Merck, said his group has done "matchmaking" based on manufacturers' capabilities and the specific needs of the various vaccines.

Effective vaccines are seen as critical to stopping a pandemic that has infected more than 9.3 million people and killed nearly 480,000 globally with little sign of letting up.

CEPI is taking care to ensure that the work to produce a vaccine to prevent COVID-19 does not sideline other critical vaccines. That has been a particular concern in less developed countries, Robinson said.



Anonymous ID: 1753bc June 24, 2020, 7:19 p.m. No.9737732   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7757 >>7789 >>7810 >>7845

Coronavirus live updates: Victoria records 33 new cases


Victoria has recorded 33 new coronavirus cases - marking the state's ninth consecutive day of double digit increases.


Victoria has recorded 33 new coronavirus cases - marking the state's ninth consecutive day of double digit increases - and another death.


Seven of those are in hotel quarantine, nine are from known outbreaks, six are from routine testing and 11 are still under investigation.


Premier Dan Andrews said numbers will continue to increase in the coming days as authorities test “entire suburbs” – listing ten suburbs that will be “blitzed”


“We will see these numbers go up in coming days,” he said. “That will be a measure of the work that we’re doing, a measure of the success of this strategy.


Those suburbs are Keilor Downs, Broadmeadows, Maidstone, Sunshine West, Albanvale, Hallam, Brunswick West, Reservoir, Pakenham, Fawkner.


More than 1000 ADF troops are being sent to Victoria to help with hotel quarantine and provide logistical support for testing.