Anonymous ID: 0257b3 April 9, 2018, 4:44 p.m. No.973760   🗄️.is 🔗kun

obviously it's chemicals but the real question is why. the easiest thing to say is that it poisons us and causes health problems but… if their goal is to keep us from revolting, how exactly does slowly poisoning us help? if they were to kill off a bunch of folks it would make sense.


i think their is a deeper significance to most of this. Like fluoride's effects on the pineal gland,


example, when you ask most folks why the people who control things do the things they do, they say, "to make more money." but they PRINT money. it's fake and they know it because they are the creators of the illusion.


so it's not money that they are after but control. So, this begs a new question… what do they want control for? what is their goal?


there is always a deeper why