Woah…serious fuckery in the boards
Damn…shit just got real
that was so much fun
Sekret Agent Guy…NOt
Let us never forget this was based on a TRUE story
R.I.P. Creasy
He is about to paint his masterpiece
That one made me cry
Tear it down would be be less than it deserves…blow it apart
Love YOU Commander! See you soonest…#ChaChaCha
pfft Definition of discernment: Any ideas? kek
You're a sicko and our light is bright. There is nothing more you can do but die gracefully or horribly…your choice
Still shilling Jews and shit that's incomprehensible when faced with FACTS. You lost souls, I pray for you in the coming as you know not and that's too bad…c ya
good catch!!
Assemble warriors, this is it
Is that a threat,s somehow? It's actually 15% and humans will die, idiot, but still…go away.