Not trying to be a downer here, but we need to prepare for the following: A blanket offer of immunity from criminal punishment (no prison time) to all Dem and Repub politicians involved with corruption the past several decades, IF they give a full public confession to anything and everything asked of them. "Yes, we cheated, yes, we stole money, yes we colluded with media, yes we conspired with Hollywood, yes, yes, yes, mea culpa, we're sorry, but everything conservatives have said about us is all true. Now can we go?" I say that because I don't think there is the will among the body of prosecutors and judges (including military) to put the country through the hell that would result if we have to haul all the crooks in kicking and screaming. It would be biblical indeed: forgiveness. A kinder, gentler, bloodless, new American way to bring justice while averting civil war. Let it be a lesson for the future! And, now, back to the NFL!
How about the bad stuff that would put 90% of people in the hospital from shock? Even just 25% of it? Sorry, we'll never know about it. Too ugly.