Anonymous ID: 35e891 June 25, 2020, 2:39 a.m. No.9740831   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0871


>The question beckons… if Q are who we think they are..


>And we were selected for specific duty..


>And we took a public oath…


>Were we just deputized anons?

An interesting question. That might just be. If that's the case, then it means we may be given access to certain information that those who are not deputized cannot see.

Anonymous ID: 35e891 June 25, 2020, 3:05 a.m. No.9740929   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0947


>In short, a world police force run by the UN and funded by the US congress? Cities benefiting from this in the US, which is why they are defunding their own police departments? Setup under Obama?


No. Worse. The United States Police Force. A Federal street level police force. It has been around for 10 or 15 years now, started under Bush II. Foreigners who have US citizenship because they were born here are those cops, specifically because they won't have any sympathies to US citizens. A law will be passed that makes it an arrestable offense for being accused of suspicion of terrorism. This force will have effectively no law to follow, as they'll be allowed to do whatever they want. They'll bring them in to help fight street gangs at first. But then, they'll start arresting Patriots. Lots of Middle Eastern men are in on this force. They're all being actively paid and have weapons and training. So far, they're just being paid to stand around.

Anonymous ID: 35e891 June 25, 2020, 3:15 a.m. No.9740965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1004


It started under Bush II, not Obama. Obama just kept it going and increased funding. They're out there, but they are hidden. That's why they're defunding police departments: so that this group of Federal cops disloyal to the US will rule and remove Patriots from regular life. There are a lot of foreigners from all over, but there is a large number of Middle Easterners.