Anonymous ID: 613ac1 June 25, 2020, 3:17 a.m. No.9740974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0978 >>0991 >>0995 >>1025 >>1047

OAN Newsroom

UPDATED 1:50 PM PT — Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Former Defense Secretary General James Mattis has encouraged citizens in his hometown to continue wearing face masks amid the pandemic.

In a new public service announcement video, he urged those in Richland, Washington to continue taking precautions to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

During the video, he pulled down his bandana and addressed his audience as his “neighbors.” He has suggested mask wearing is “a community effort,” since the virus “won’t go away on its own.”

Anonymous ID: 613ac1 June 25, 2020, 3:22 a.m. No.9740992   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The leadership of a home for aging veterans in Massachusetts where nearly 80 residents sickened with the coronavirus have died packed dementia patients into a crowded unit as the virus spread, one of several “utterly baffling” decisions that helped the disease run rampant, investigators said in a report released Wednesday.

The superintendent of the Holyoke Soldiers’ Home was not qualified to run a long-term care facility and “substantial errors and failures” he and his team made likely contributed to the high death toll there, investigators found. Among them was a decision prompted by staffing shortages to combine two locked dementia units, both of which already housed some residents with the virus.

“Rather than isolating those with the disease from those who were asymptomatic — a basic tenet of infection control — the consolidation of these two units resulted in more than 40 veterans crowded into a space designed to hold 25. This overcrowding was the opposite of infection control; instead, it put those who were asymptomatic at even greater risk of contracting COVID-19,” the report said.

When a social worker raised concerns about the move, the chief nursing officer said “it didn’t matter because (the veterans) were all exposed anyway and there was not enough staff to cover both units,” the report said. One staffer who helped move the dementia patients told investigators she felt like she was “walking (the veterans) to their death.” A nurse said the packed dementia unit looked “like a battlefield tent where the cots are all next to each other.”

Anonymous ID: 613ac1 June 25, 2020, 3:28 a.m. No.9741013   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1021 >>1025 >>1047

25 Jun 2020

The Associated Press | By Eric Tucker

WASHINGTON — WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange sought to recruit hackers at conferences in Europe and Asia who could provide his anti-secrecy website with classified information, and conspired with members of hacking organizations, according to a new Justice Department indictment announced Wednesday.

The superseding indictment does not contain additional charges beyond the 18 counts the Justice Department unsealed last year. But prosecutors say it underscores Assange's efforts to procure and release classified information, allegations that form the basis of criminal charges he already faces.

Anonymous ID: 613ac1 June 25, 2020, 3:41 a.m. No.9741060   🗄️.is 🔗kun


have a few brainwashed normies who occasionally will say Trump did this or that, or said this or that

my response is did you hear that on channel 2 (comcast nbc)?

now they sometimes say they are not watching channel 2

small steps, they can only process so much at one time