Anonymous ID: aa01ae June 25, 2020, 12:36 a.m. No.9740395   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0403 >>0567 >>0687 >>0768 >>0867 >>0967 >>1025 >>1047

Don't know if anyone has posted this already, but thought it relevant to Q drop 4506

The People's General.





Patriot Soapbox article Written by

Radix Verum

JUNE 5, 2020 AT 4:12 PM

Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn Breaks with Mattis, McChrystal & Kelly “We Must Defeat Socialism”


Last paragraph reads


"America’s General, the People’s General seems to be signaling to us that he is still in the game. He has not given up — not on We The People, not on this Nation. And perhaps he will be back sooner than you think. Until that day comes, continue to keep the General in your prayers."


Full article link