Anonymous ID: c108f3 June 25, 2020, 3:06 a.m. No.9740936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0945 >>0959 >>0967 >>0993 >>1025 >>1047

FBI director says the bureau is looking into possible foreign influence in George Floyd protests

Anonymous ID: c108f3 June 25, 2020, 3:24 a.m. No.9740998   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009 >>1031 >>1074


Nothing exists outside of consciousness. Nothing physical is actually physical when you break down atoms. Our physical senses are simply interpreters of vibration. So reality is a lucid dream. Our thoughts literally become things. Reality isn't static, it's energy in constant motion. ALL thoughts create.. not just some.. Ask to see a pink car and then watch what happens. Ask to see a yellow ball somewhere or a green balloon next to a red one.. you will begin to see our thoughts become things. I mean, look around at any object in the room.. well, trees and nature were ALL thought first. There is only consciousness and it cannot be created or destroyed. It is everlasting and there is only now. We are eternal and reality is like the movie the Matrix. Watch.. when you see the pink car or find the quarter on the ground or whatever "small" thing you ask for.. make it something that you don't see very often but make it something you don't doubt. This is just to show you that thoughts turn into things. Think of someone and watch them call you or watch someone tell you something about them all of a sudden, etc. ALL of it manifests..we just think things are static so a lot of them remain the same but when you start to see the little things manifest then you can move to bigger things because if it works with some thoughts, then it works with ALL thoughts and this is a universal law. Christ consciousness. If you can think it, you can have it.. but doubt is thoughts too.. so u have to remove the thoughts of doubt. There is only one power and it is neutral and it creates according to how we guide it. It's cause and effect. It is a law. It is accurate and constant. It is precise. It is a mirror of our thoughts and co-creation with others. The way you guide them is by how you feel. Negative/ doubt/ fear/ worry/ anger thoughts always feel bad because they are not aligned with God. The positive, optimistic thoughts always feel better no matter what it is that you are thinking about and that better feeling lets you know which way you are focusing your thoughts. Watch how amazing life becomes when you see this is like a lucid dream or like the matrix. I am not even kidding. elon musk n that brain chip n the synthetic brain.. consciousness is vibration. Our brains are just transmitters and receivers of vibration. When you taste food, the little hairs on the taste bud cells pick up the frequency of the ions in the food and send a message to the brain which is then translated via consciousness into what we call taste. We think it's happening in our mouth but it's all happening in consciousness. It's amaaaaaaaazing. Christ Consciousness.

Anonymous ID: c108f3 June 25, 2020, 3:44 a.m. No.9741076   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ThanQ. I was too tired to go look for it and download it, etc because I'm on my way to take a nap. It's 4:44. I just manifested this GIF, kek.

Goodnight Anons.