Anonymous ID: e5a892 June 25, 2020, 3:16 a.m. No.9740968   🗄️.is 🔗kun

interesting, this video was taken by Posobiac at the WH get together when Trump put it on for the popular social media people, whatever they discussed there was never allowed to be shown to the public, this looks like the after party, at end of video Posobiac says, "hash tag, free carpe…, not…, we don't need it right now…, save it for later.., we got it all…, Steve…, save this scope for later…, hashtag 'free carpe'"

lots of clues in this video, he was predicting carpe's getting banned by twitter, looked like raheem kassam was in on it with jack, interesting raheem just got banned by twitter also, even more interesting is that they both work for Bannon, was Posobiac telling steve bannon to save the video until this part of the plan commences?

Like Bannon always says, "I don't believe in coincidences"