Anonymous ID: 2536d1 June 25, 2020, 5:11 a.m. No.9741404   🗄️.is đź”—kun


don't want to "play deviil's advocate" here, but ever notice the sneaky legal get-arounds used in comments (not just his) like this?


I was never a part of any "incriminal investigation" into Flynn…


"incriminal" doesn't seem to be a real word, but it seems logical that the argument could be made that it means the opposite (in, un, non).

Anonymous ID: 2536d1 June 25, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.9741855   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1869


people in search of JFK truth are inexorably doomed to hit dead ends without expanded thinking.


if a video isn't gonna have more than one comment, it might as well be as insightful as this one:


JFK is like the tooth fairy and Easter bunny and Donald Trump…'s all lies..


JFK and santa clause or JFK and wizard of Oz…


Frank Baum or C's Lewis or Aldous Huxley….or all three.


I saw the JFK Baum scare….part two to wizard of Oz…


Funny thing about JFK and the wizard of Oz, you never see Oz….


This is liars world….home to a planet of psychopaths who have slaughtered humans for centuries…


Funny thing about these liars…they think they have one brain … hahahaha…ruled humans in lies and illusions….


A human brain is similar to human lungs…..both joined …..two lungs joined to function as one….two brains joined to function as one…


I am gonna write a report on earth and the liars and psychopaths that rule …liars world.


It begins as a child with lies of Santa clause and false stories by humans ..


Then they show you lies and illusions on a tell a vision…


There goal is to get children to love lies and illusions so they can speak a language of lies….


I have never been to earth before and question why all the lies ….




also, took me a hot minute to realize the reported was a young Bill O'Reilly