Anonymous ID: 43339c June 25, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.9741778   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1794 >>1833

Mike Pence is to blame for the lock-downs and having to wear masks.

The corona task force team are a bunch of idiot.

Mike Pence told the governors to shut down and make people wear masks.

Mike Pence is a poor leader,and a fucking idiot of a VP.

Fuck the corona task force and Mike Pence for lying and trying to make President Trump look bad.

Mike Pence is fully responsible for destroying local business and economies for just not having a pair of balls and standing up to leftist and other republican chucks.

Mike Pence is responsible.

Mike Pence is a chuck traitor.

Mike Pence is a traitor.