Anonymous ID: 745c1f June 25, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.9741779   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1785 >>1793 >>1795 >>1824 >>1825

Sorry if this has already been capped and noted. Just getting here.

Q's post that left out the W in the beginning of the sign language.

Q signed off one time with the letter W.

Here it is, post 1034, 4/5/18.

Q qlaiming typos when they ain't. Same yesterday with "ing".

That probably is a reference to the banking/investment firm of ING,

Internationale Nederlanden Groep NV (Dutch bank). Many huge banking systems depend on trafficking to stay in business. ING is pursuing markets in east Asia, a prime place for this.

Anonymous ID: 745c1f June 25, 2020, 6:36 a.m. No.9741857   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1865



What DO you know. Watched a good vid yesterday on Mexican cartels and how Mexico is the place to launder drug money.

The vid was mostly on HSBC. But this is the connection to Netherlands and El Chino Antrax and Sinaloa. None of which has anything to do with Roger Stone, but that is how Q brought this out. Mexican cartels! Damn. Bringing 'em down.

Such a convoluted way Q has to bring things up. But this is the point. We all know diff things. And I won't bother anyone about my f&&*ing dreams!

Here's the link on this: And thanks.