Anonymous ID: 896c24 June 25, 2020, 5:29 a.m. No.9741499   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1520 >>1568 >>1587 >>1642 >>1788 >>1834

Wray determines that everything at the FBI is now a-ok.


That all those heinous, misbegotten individuals that may have 'accidentaly' perpetrated any evil plots against the Trump administration have now been thoroughly chastised or cleansed, and that they really, really promise not to do anything like that, ever again.




Wray: I Have Disciplined and Terminated People Involved in FISA Abuse


Wray said, “I’ve put in place an entirely new leadership team…"


He added, “The most senior people involved in this activity, in this report, are long gone, either terminated, some during my tenure, or retired or resigned.”




Holy. Fucking. Damn.