Anonymous ID: a8b979 June 25, 2020, 4:03 a.m. No.9741152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1175



If this country doesn't give us what we want, then we will burn down this system and replace it.

I could be speaking figuratively, I could be speaking literally. It's a matter of interpretation.

  • Greater New York Chair of Black Lives Matter


>>9740573 (pb)

[Adding video]

Anonymous ID: a8b979 June 25, 2020, 4:22 a.m. No.9741220   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1231 >>1296 >>1348 >>1382 >>1412 >>1642 >>1788 >>1834

You're watching a movie (or, at the very least, a bad TV series) …


Undercover Huber - June 25, 2020


Don't laugh but at this point my working theory about @GenFlynn and the Logan Act is that the people in the Obama administration got the idea from the freaking West Wing cable TV show


An episode at the end of the series ("Transition") shows the outgoing lame duck admin in a foreign policy dispute with China and Russia. They carry out electronic surveillance of all calls with Russia and wiretap the incoming team and confront them about…

…the Logan Act!


That theory - while it sounds nuts - is actually more plausible than the other two:

a) The Obama FBI or Justice Dept. thinking they could prosecute the Logan Act against anyone, let alone an incoming National Security Advisor

b) Joe Biden even knowing what the Logan Act is





Kate Tyler - May 23, 2019


Guess we know why the Obama’s got a $50 million Netflix deal

President Obama’s #SpyGate Election Rigging, Coup Plot is written right into the script

Hollywood is an equal player in the #DeepState


Season 4 of House of Cards was released on March 4, 2016

As most you of know that is right when #SpyGate was heating up

Could the Cabal be so arrogant that they’d share their tactics & broadcast them for all of us to see?

No doubt laughing at our ignorance


-Search engine to manipulate votes

-NSA, FISA domestic surveillance warrant

-Access to every Americans phone records

-Election rigging

-Plan A, Plan B (insurance policy)

-Bigger than WaterGate


We are all supposed to accept in the spring of 2016 a Netflix script is written that encompasses every dirty tactic used by the Obama Admin in the 2016 election as a coincidence?

Quite a coincidence they walked out of the White House & into this deal


What about Susan Rice & her seat on the Netflix board of directors?

Btw, both these deals happened in the Spring of 2018, which is interesting

Did they realize they’d lost on every coup attempt & the culture war was all they had left?




House Of Cards Creator: Hillary Clinton Is The Real Claire Underwood

Jul 10, 2015



Did Obama take cancer-fight line from The West Wing?

Jan 17, 2019
