Anonymous ID: b25bf7 June 25, 2020, 6:25 a.m. No.9741792   🗄️.is 🔗kun


WI Gov actually was hiding b/c he's comp'd big time. Clearly one of the one's China likes.


If he actually did activate the NG it's b/c the legislature or the courts whomever can exert that kind of pressure made it happen.


If it was up to him, he would've invited more destruction.


we really need to get this guy out of office!

Anonymous ID: b25bf7 June 25, 2020, 6:37 a.m. No.9741860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


i had weird happenings on the WI covid (healh) site yesterday.


Hopped on to check updated numbers - message said wait until 2 pm. At 2 30 I was able to peruse the data. They had a nice excel spreadsheet showing each county's data. I scraped it to my own spreadsheet so I could add a column "total tests". Found that the data they were reporting for public consumption was basically exclusive of the VERY data we would want to see.


(ie: total tested, total sick, total died, cumulative AND last 7 days).


Long story short, the rates of death (% of the 5.8 million total population) in WI are infinitesimal. (Also provided % of the total tested, % of the total tested positive, % of total hospitalized) Posted findings w sauce on facebook for my friends.


went to post on twitter, with sauce, later in the day. The "sauce" (spreadsheet data) had been removed from the WI Covid web page and replaced by a bunch of non-sensical graphs and pretty pictures.


not cool.