Anonymous ID: d12dee June 25, 2020, 6:22 a.m. No.9741781   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I have to put it out, just to see (maybe), if I am the only one with this clearity in my entire life!?

I knew for certain, that I am here for a special reason! It was more than just a muh feeling! It was for certain to me!

And I was certain, that this reason will find me, I´ve had not to search for it!

At 1/1/18 I was found by the reason as I read the first time Q´s crumbs!

My mistake in thinking was, that there will be no more questions in my mind, when my purpous finally got to me… Huge mistake, because the questions got started in a extraordinary way!

Furhter, I saw myself always fighting in a major war, at some point in my life… And it was here too, more than just a muh feeling!

I had never expected to fight as a digital soldier (small light)! But I thank God, that it is this kind of war and not the war I saw in my "visions"!

I am really down from time to time, because it is a lonly war IRL and the people I expected on my back are the loudest yellers in front of me… But I am thankfull for this experience, because nobody is wearing a mask any longer, even if they all wear masks in their fucking faces!

We are fighting WWIII and we are clearly chosen for a special reason! The big question now is, what is waiting for us after this part of the war is over! I will see but I am certain, it will be glorious!