Anonymous ID: 012e99 June 25, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.9742258   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Q post 242


18 U.S. Code § 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law


Qpost 1752


1752- DoJ criminal resource manual on subornation of perjury


520 (# on building inside post)


28 U.S.C. § 520 Judiciary and Judicial Procedure - Transmission of petitions in United States Court of Federal Claims or in United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit;  statement furnished by departments


Suborning Perjury is what they did to Flynn if you don't know.


So, you all didn't want to hear this. But I suppose now it's time to tell you. Comey & Strzok aren't your enemies. They won't spend one minute in a cell. Comey wore a wire against Obama. Strzok notes document Comey telling Obama the Flynn call was legit. This exposes Obama personally ordering the Flynn case reopened on Jan 5th.


How the legal system works, is that you can't go after the criminals who went after people like Flynn…until the cases are adjudicated.


This is why the Judge and Van Grack (Prosecution) have spent so many years to prevent the case from finishing. The flood is coming.