Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 6:56 a.m. No.9741983   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Really, I always give fake numbers to places that ask for them, even banking.

No problems getting logged into accounts.

So why is it Parler says join with email or phone number, yet they don't send an email, they want to send an SMS text message?

Fuck that shit, Google/C_A are still tying search requests to cellphones, and now Parler is part of that.

They going to get your cellphone, and use your posts on Parler against you eventually, just like twitter and FB does now.

Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 7:01 a.m. No.9742003   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2021 >>2046 >>2166 >>2181 >>2433 >>2575 >>2619

Emails Show Berman Neglected to Investigate Biden Burisma Links


The Chief Federal Prosecutor in Manhatten had emailed now-fired Geoffrey Berman in the fall of 2018 about Biden’s alleged connections to Burisma in Ukraine. Apparently Ukrainian prosecutors had reached out to Berman’s NY office in October 2018. Despite multiple advisements, the attorney neglected to investigate the crimes at all.


Geoffrey Berman was apparently shocked this week when he was fired after refusing to retire. Attorney General Barr said in an interview that Berman would be leaving soon and Berman denied the comments – only to find himself fired a few hours later. The attorney serves at the pleasure of the White House and can be fired at any time under constitutional law.


Emailed allegations include that Joe Biden had ““exercised influence to protect Burisma Holdings” where his son Hunter Biden is a board member, along with business partner Devon Archer. The two had joined the Ukrainian gas company’s board of directors and earned substantial sums of money.


FBI reports bank documents prove that Biden and Archer’s firm accepted more than $3 million from Burisma in 4 years leading up for 2016. During the same time period Burisma was lobbying the US State Department and the US Embassy in Kiev to make corruption allegations go away. These details were exposed by State Memos that were released under FOIA rules.


"The allegation by Prosecutor General Lutsenko et al is that the US ambassador, Marie L. Yovanovitch, Biden and Kerry made conclusions about who were the good guys and the bad guys in local government. They believe Biden and Kerry were influenced by payments to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer to influence certain decisions, particularly those benefitting Burisma,”


“The second allegation above is that the Embassy and FBI willfully pressured Ukrainian officials to falsify evidence to be leaked to the media about Manafort to affect the outcome of the 2016 election,” "

Bud Cummins, former US Attorney


Now that evidence of the reports has been publicized, it will get far more difficult for the SDNY to explain why the allegations were never followed up. Berman’s callous exit and public spat with the Attorney General shows there’s some sensitivity to handling of cases that will now be looked at under a new light.

Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 7:05 a.m. No.9742025   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2034 >>2283

CDC COVID Death Report: The Pandemic is OVER


A weekly update released from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) confirms observations that the pandemic death rate is flatlining. From a peak of about 5,000 weekly deaths in the USA, the country is now seeing less than 200 deaths a day. The death rate has continued to fall even as spikes in recorded cases have increased, indicating a better treatment program and higher surviveability.


The White House has reported this decrease is largely due to better tracking. Intense testing programs and early identifications of outbreaks have allowed medical experts to quickly slow and stop flare-ups of infections. Regardless of how or why, it’s undeniable that the death rate is now almost zero.


This month we’ve seen a reopening of much of the country. Widespread protests and riots have also tested theories of a resurgent second wave. Critics of the President even tried to sue the Campaign to prevent a campaign rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma – citing virus concerns. The court knocked down the attempt and the rally proceeded as planned, drawing nearly 15,000 attendees into the arena according the security.

Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 7:37 a.m. No.9742259   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Tampa police chief on 'ambush' of officers: 'We won't take a knee,' protests have not remained peaceful

Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 7:44 a.m. No.9742310   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>2320

Can think of another group that needs to be done like this.

HISTORY: Largest Lynching in US History Was Against Italians in 1891

Anonymous ID: 8009a8 June 25, 2020, 7:48 a.m. No.9742333   🗄️.is đź”—kun


Well, this IS getting interesting indeed.

Would appear that the 4th or 5th Continental Army is being called up!

We will soon have a General to lead us = Gen. Flynn.

Yesterday we were given an OATH to take…for us or not, not sure of yet.

The only thing left to do is send the GO order, and to form up at designated locations.