Anonymous ID: 9fb237 June 25, 2020, 8:26 a.m. No.9742639   🗄️.is 🔗kun

For those interested in reading a thought provoking psychological theory about the liberal and conservative mindset this might be a good place to start. Written back in 2012 it seems to have portended what we are facing today:


"Liberalism thrives when it can conflate these terms. This work clearly separates our society into producers who contribute to society, and leaches who take from the producers through force of the mob. It further creates a group who supports the right of the producers to have freedom, and a group who supports the right of the leaches to take earned wealth from the producers. This definition of in-groups eliminates the conservative psychology’s ability to blur the lines between in-groups and out-groups, and exploit the confusion and in-fighting which it produces. Here, we have two groups and they are at war. One will reward effort, ability and determination, producing a successful, moral, loyal society, and a more evolved population through the rewarding of industriousness. The other will punish ability, effort, and determination, to reward lack of ability, no effort, and no determination. This will inevitably produce a society of incapable idiots, prone to failure and dependent upon the few producers whom they have enslaved."


And no, I'm not affiliated with the blogger or pushing their book, but we are in an information war and understanding the opposition's mindset is important in order to defeat it.