Anonymous ID: fbbfb9 June 25, 2020, 7:09 a.m. No.9742054   🗄️.is 🔗kun



What does he know?


Maybe it's time to know about the specifics of what might be the next instalment BEFORE it hits. At least then you might have either the ability as a knowing public to stop it or at least this time prove that it was preordained.


If something else big hits that endangers people or gets people killed and we're told it's preferable to just let it happen to show the world how Evil they are……


Nah, that excuse is getting long toothed. No, the time to expose evil if it exists and is planning more destruction, either caused by humans or 'nature', is now.


If people like Flynn know another surprise is around the corner then not giving the full alarm us getting on for complicity. No more games. Enough evidence exists to nail a bunch of people for crimes against humanity - terrorism (inciting fear) is a major one.

Anonymous ID: fbbfb9 June 25, 2020, 7:14 a.m. No.9742097   🗄️.is 🔗kun



They've been trained to be fragile skinned.


Those Safe Spaces take on a whole new meaning if all of a sudden that 'reassurance/non-bully, cotton wool world' disappears. Many of them now are terrified that it might; that they'll be back to a world where they have to defend their own positions without the buffer zone of censorship