Ah, but force/power comes in many different forms.
All assets deployed. Just thinking, which assets? Assets in place for a purpose? Assets like Cuomo and other politicians that were put in places of power for just such occasions? Those who scream the loudest?
Seems to me it is a pretty good way to expose just who those assets are and bring them into the light by watching the water and see who pokes their heads up to defend the insanity going on and tries to justify it.
You shills are something else. You have neither the wit nor wisdom to produce even a single unique thought of your own and do nothing but excreate your noxious and noiseome effluence where ever you go.
I'm not saying there aren't bad actors in MOSSAD, just like we have in our intel community, they do, but I don't want to eradicate everyone in America because we have some bad actors, that's the difference.
I do not blame a whole people for what some do. Take the riots for example, do we condemn the whole country for the actions of some rioters? Deal with the individuals who do bad things. I have no problem with that.
What is Five eyes? Working together? Top guys part of the cabal?
Take another example, our own FBI, C_A, DOJ, top guys corrupt? Is it ALL corrupt? Deal with the people you need to deal with but don't blame the ones who might be honest.
Well, that is possible I suppose, or it could be a double meaning.
Okay, and? What's your point? They aren't the only ones.
Uh, thanks, I already knew what fveys was, it was a rhetorical question.
No, just a simple explanation of why you are so focused on only one aspect of the whole pie.