Anonymous ID: cd60f9 June 25, 2020, 9:46 a.m. No.9743208   🗄️.is 🔗kun


As long as you're on the winning side, it won't matter. These people just want to be with the winners and the "popular" crowd. Right now they think it's the progressive left (MSM, Hollywood, Pop Culture). But once they're outed as frauds and possibly much worse, they'll flip so quick your head will spin. Don't let them off the hook easy. They need to learn from this. Mainly, they need to learn to stop being so damn distracted by every shiny thing that comes their way, and start thinking critically and for themselves. I tried having a conversation with my left-leaning niece the other day, and she couldn't stop checking her damn phone for every damn alert. Their attention spans are so short that they need information served up to them in Fast Food style. This needs to change though.