Anonymous ID: f3018c June 25, 2020, 9:25 a.m. No.9743032   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As we review the history of the various genocides that have occurred, we can easily see the same basic chain of events playing out all the way to the final extermination.


The common thread between all these case is that the people were clueless to the signs pointing to their eventual demise.


Here we are in 2020 seeing these same chain of events beginning to unfold. If we are to move past these times successfully, we cannot affort to let the clueless people dictate to everyone else what they think is happenng or in their minds, what is not happening.


It has always been about "We the People". This is why it is important for us to connect and share the truths of what is really going on. Our unity in truth is the strength we need to rise above the clueless crowd and end the evil cycle of genocide and other such atrocities.



Anonymous ID: f3018c June 25, 2020, 9:44 a.m. No.9743190   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3206


The power of technology combined with years of perfecting the mind control techniques cannot be overstated.


People have literally been brainwashed. Their circuits have been rewired and they are basically stuck in a mental loop.


The best way I have found to break the loop is to inject questions that cause them to stop.


For example, They say Trump is racist

Respond with, what does that mean?


By asking them to think about what they are saying, they will short circuit. The first response will be to cuss you out.

Don't let this discourage you. Just keep asking questions.


Either you will break the loop or they will go away in a flurry of anger.


Most likely it will be the anger because lops are sometimes difficult to break.


However, in the same way that repetition was used to program their minds, repetition of your questions will eventually have the same effect.

Anonymous ID: f3018c June 25, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.9743275   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3332


Think of the brain like a computer. It receives information that instructs it how to operate. When the information from technology sources is projected into their minds, these instruction override the programming and change the way they think and operate.


Mind control techniques have been studied and perfected for a long time