Anonymous ID: e6966d June 25, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.9743666   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3691 >>3743 >>3755 >>3793


And another moment of clarity, the masons are the fucking infiltrators, not directly but apparently been here long enough to see those at the top are probably orchestrating, and funding all of this anarchy. Secret Societies are the bedevilment of a righteous and sound society…..Maybe all of you anons who have been providing all of the clues to Masonry an their weird culty secret rituals and functions should be more obvious, still anon but post some more sauce that can be verfied. They suck though, there weird oath that is a non oath shit, bat shit crazy to normal people with a logical brain…..

Anonymous ID: e6966d June 25, 2020, 10:47 a.m. No.9743733   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>3758


So where has he been lately, he just like dropped off the face of the earth…so you want to expose the evils of Masonry, ya know a few months ago because of the info I learned here (maybe some of yours) I found a masonic museum and tried to go to see their stuff what they had on display, when I got there they only let you in if you are a mason so basically that was creepy and confirmation of their weird secret society crap. But why wouldn't ransacking or robbing their weird buildings (if you can find the ones in more remote areas) be beneficial, most of the police are masons for fuck sake.